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Tagged with: GI Issues

Vaccine Injury of V.W. – Ontario

Vaccine Date: 01 June 2021
7/3/21 ​I received the COVID vaccine around 8pm on June 1st, around 1am that evening I woke up with numbness/tingly feeling on my left leg, arm and right side of my stomach. I went into the ER t...

Abirami Sathiya

Adrian Dravetz

Alex Mcgillick

Amanda Gibbons

Vaccine Injury of B.G. – Florida

6-29-21 Moderna. Both shots - diagnosed with GBS, POTS, gastroparesis and pericarditis. Since home from the hospital also been diagnosed with a new auto immune- sjogrens. I’ve been telling ...

Vaccine Injury of C.R. – Alabama

Vaccine Date: 21 February 2021
6-29-21 ​ I got my 2nd Moderna shot February 21,2031. Drank lots of fluids like they tell u to do. Felt very tired went to bed early. Woke up to go to bathroom at 4AM. Felt some dizziness and a...

Vaccine Injury of J.S. – Texas

Vaccine Date: 02 February 2021
6-29-21 On 2/2 I took the Moderna shot. Only 1.....and I have not been healthy since. I have been battling balance issues-at one point using a walker for weeks-and I still cannot walk without ...

Amanda Miller

Angela Troxell

Barbara Larue

Vaccine Injury of K.W. – Delaware

Vaccine Date: 09 April 2021
7/3/21 ​I received the J&J vaccine on April 9, 2021. I was a healthy 59 year old with acid reflux and high cholesterol. I exercised regularly. A few hours after I went to bed on April 18, 2...

Vaccine Injury of D.R. – Iowa

Vaccine Date: 13 April 2021
Entry Date: 6/19/21 ​On April 13, 2021 I received the first shot of the Pfizer vaccine on my left shoulder. A day later my upper shoulder hurt, like I pulled a muscle, then the next day it was g...

Boyd Conklin

Brianna Benjamin

Carrie Cantrell

Vaccine Injury of S.T. – Washington

Vaccine Date: 27 April 2021
Entry Date: 6/21/21 I have been to the hospital 9 times, neurology twice, next appointment is tomorrow, my GP twice, a naturopath, trying to get a referral for a rheumatologist and immunologist....

Cecilia Serna

Cheryl Bates

Christine Liu