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At we need help! From our CareFUND to stuffing envelopes your participation is crucial to our success.

Are you a Scientist or Doctor? Join a Network.

React19 recognizes the health care needs of the COVID vaccine injured. We understand that our physical and mental health needs are often met with uninformed and uneducated providers. React19 is dedicated to developing health care provider networks that will provide comprehensive, collaborative, empathetic health care for the COVID vaccine injured.

Help Injuries be Recognized

  1. Sign and send the petition for the compensation reform.
  2. Call your house representative or senator.
  3. Verify the accuracy of your VAERS report. Or, if you haven't filed, file a VAERS report.

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Hear from our volunteers

Advocates in Action: Jessica Moon

Trigger warning: Brief discussion of assisted suicide. It is time to highlight another Advocate in Action! This month I had the pleasure of speaking with Jessica Moon. I caught up with her as she was heading off to a React19 fundraiser in Spokane, Washington. Jessica is formerly the Director of Strategy at React19. So, just what is a healthy alternative when you are frustrated with your governor and their COVID policies? Jessica asked herself this very question. She needed to redirect her anger at the way her governor handled the pandemic. As we know, different states had different ideas ...
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