Cecilia Serna
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
7/21st left hand fingers numbness lasted 3 days
August 3rd dizzy , nausea , lightheaded , lower back pain , foggy evaluated in Urgent care by PA
Aug 9th 2nd visit eval by NP HR 104 when standing , back pain DX dehydration , back spasm
Aug 10th left work lightheaded , off balance , fast heartbeat 0900 HR 115
EKG Bradycardia HR 58
8/21/21 telephone appt vertigo , tachycardia episode at work dx bilateral benign paroxysmal tx meclizine prn , increase fluids
8/17th right hand tingling and numbness
8/26/21 MD appt DX mild dehydration and EKG & echocardiogram
8/29/21 My primary physician treats me for sinusitis
8/31/21 hypotensive with tachycardia. referral to cardiology tx ted hose , stand up slowly , increase fluids
9/14/21 echocardiogram performed
9/8 /21 cardiologist appt
9/13 lipid panel , hgb A1c
Jan 16,2022 i test positive for covid
POTs worse
Need to wait 3 months to get tilt table test
June 23,2022 tilt table scheduled
My daily HR is 58-148
Lightheaded if get up too fast or bend over
Work as an RN part time knowing when to sit and stay hydrated , stay quiet 🤫 a previous manager harassed me and sent me home
For getting water to drink
My cardiologist had to write me a note
Saying “ when feeling light headed or dizzy i can sit and drink water “
I still have fog brain I write down everything
i have this thick clear mucus till today since covid
I had 2 chest xrays
Ct scan
And pulmonary function test
I pray and trust in the Lord everyday
I know my limitations and do my best everyday .
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Which solutions were not helpful?
What would you like others to know?
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Pfizer Vaccine:20 July 2021
Injury Date:
21 July 2021 -
CA -