Vaccine Injury of Mary Davis
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
My wife is a registered nurse in Alabama. Hardly ever missed a day of work. I estimate less than 10 sick days in 15 years. Healthy, athletic, no major health issues other than a gluten sensitivity. Eats very healthy. Resting heart rate was generally in the mid 50s. Loves international travel.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
On 10/7/21 my wife received the 2nd dose of the Pfizer jab due to a mandate from her employer. She had been working throughout the pandemic and never caught covid. She resisted as long as she could until just before the deadline where she would be terminated. Less than 2 days after the jab, she experienced immense pain in her left jaw/cheek which she thought was referred pain from a heart attack. She booked a stress test with a cardiologist in the same hospital with no issues. Within a few months, elevated heart rates into the 130-190 range was observed just getting out of bed or walking a few steps. At least 100 doctors visits later we are booked to be seen at the Mayo Clinic at the end of Jan, 2024. Pain in her face is bilateral and they are treating her with muscle relaxers and nurtec, along with periodic blocks to her trigeminal ganglion.. She’s taking Corlanor for her heart.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
The heart issues seem to be treatable with Corlanor.
The muscle relaxers are the only thing that gives a little relief from the face pain which is now bilatteral and also shoots down her leg and side. The relief is short lived and seems to be less effective as time goes on.
Eating soft foods and not chewing, talking, smiling helps.
Which solutions were not helpful?
Was recommended for open brain surgery but upon waiting for a short period of time the other side of her face started hurting which is atypical of trigeminal neuralgia. We feel that second and third opinions are important
What would you like others to know?
Don’t let them force you to put a drug inside of your body.
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Pfizer Vaccine:15 September 2021lot #: FF2587
Pfizer Vaccine:07 October 2021lot #: FF2587
Injury Date:
08 October 2021 -
Age at Injury:
38 -
AL -