Vaccine Injury of Gracie M Howlett
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
I took my 52 foot motor vessel from Louisville, Ky to Galveston, Texas, by water way. took me 3 months to get there. I was in healthcare and took a new job at UTMB. Started my new job 5 weeks before the world shut down! I was very fit and never went to the doctor except for annual physicals. not on a single medication, when I finally caved, so that i could work. 1 PHIZER JAB and i nearly lost my life! 4 days in the ICU with a DVT and Afib, myocarditis. Was forced to sell my boat, which was my home and move in with my daughter in Indiana, which is where I remain disabled, today. Saw Dr Peter McCullough in December of 2023, where my assumption of my illness was confirmed. I have gone through my savings and if it wasn't for my daughter, would be homeless!. I'm hoping to return to my career I love, some day soon, but it's one day at a time. I won't give up, getting the word out, until my last breath! This evilness has to STOP! Thank you FLCCC for all you do! God bless you
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
Phizer, Jabbed on July 5th, 2021
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Pfizer Vaccine:05 July 2021lot #: FA6780
Injury Date:
05 July 2022 -
Age at Injury:
62 -
IN -