Vaccine Injury of Jeff Banta
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Normal. I work as project manager. On my feet sometimes all day. Walking, cycling, working in yard, working on my car. Some swelling in lower left leg that had always subsided in 24hrs.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
First Pfizer jab July 2021. Second Pfizer jab 3 weeks later. Noticed swelling in my left ankle, decreased range of motion in left ankle, and significant discomfort in walking about a month after 2nd jab. Significant swelling left leg (mid thigh and down). Went to my GP and he looked at me and didn't believe the connection to vax. Around mid-summer 2022 I had appointment with dermatologist for removal of small/mid sized cyst above right eyebrow. I was wearing shorts and he asked about my left leg. I told him everything and he was visibly upset my GP blew me off; he contacted my GP, that afternoon my GP's office called me saying they'd referred me to arterial surgeon. Saw the arterial surgeon; i gave him my history, and as soon as i told him about my car accident (comminuted fracture left femur above the knee) he said that's my cause... but that was 1986. I've run/jogged, played volleyball, cycled, on my feet all day and only moderate swelling of only my ankle (never as high up the leg as my thigh).... he said I wasn't a candidate for surgery and would only put me on blood thinner. I have also noticed neuropathy left hand/pinky and left foot's big toe and smallest toe; tinnitus in left ear is 4x worse than was before vax.
That's where I am today.
I was used to swelling in left leg due to car accident that affected my circulatory system on lower left leg but swelling ALWAYS receded in 24hrs. Now, my lower left leg is always swollen due to DVT received after Pfizer vax. I'm currently on Xarelto since July 2022.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
None provided that has removed the "clot"
Which solutions were not helpful?
Blood thinner (Xarelto) has helped some... but not completely. Still have significant swelling. Last scan showed clot in my left femoral vein from crotch down to my left knee.
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Pfizer Vaccine:30 July 2021lot #: 026-581
Injury Date:
14 April 2022 -
Age at Injury:
59 -
TN -