Fasting and Diet for Long Covid Symptoms Pacific NW University - Jeffrey Novak PhD, Tom Bunker PhD
A new Long Covid research trial called, "Diet and Fasting for Long Covid" is seeking adult participants in the United States to participate in a 10 week trial. Long haulers that have previously tried water fasts for their long covid are NOT eligible.
It is looking at two potential self-treatments on top of a no added sugars, no wheat flour diet. This is a remote study, you do weekly symptom surveys via the Internet from your home. The principle investigator is Jeffrey Novack PhD of Pacific Northwestern University - Health Sciences and this study has been approved by the PNWU-HS IRB. The co-investigator is Thomas Bunker PhD whom has been battling Long Covid himself for 2.5 years. Many aspects of this study are unique since one of the investigators understands the challenges and difficulties that long-haulers face on a daily basis. The study will be posted on To expedite the timeline, no funding was sought for this study. Everyone involved in running this study is volunteering their time.
The study will compare two potential self-treatments in a cross-over study design. Each individual is basically their own control and tries each treatment for 4 weeks. The two potential self-treatments that will be compared are:
a) 10 to 12 hour daily time-restricted eating and b) 8 hour daily time-restricted eating with a weekly 36 or 60 hour water fast.
The hope is to study potential treatments. We hope that everyone will enroll! To sign up, please go to the
Fasting Enrollment Form