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Tagged with: Limb Weakness

Christiane Monte

Corrina Mitchell

Courtney G

Vaccine Injury of F.P. – Nova Scotia

Entry Date: 6/25/21 ​Got the Moderna vaccine and within the 15 min wait period took a reaction. My limbs went pins and needles and cold and then I started to shake and got extremely dizzy. My le...

Vaccine Injury of S.C. – New York

Entry date: 6/20/21 ​Before i received my first moderna vaccine, i lead a perfectly healthy lifestyle , teacher, mom etc. Aside for having thyroid cancer i am completely heathly thank G-d, I ask...

Cynthia Abbott

David Russell

David Tra

Donald Tucker

Edward Andrade

Vaccine Injury of A.K. – California

Vaccine Date: 15 May 2021
Entry Date: 6/22​/21 I was a healthy 33 year old with no history of medical issues. I don't know if I ever had covid, but if I did it was asymptomatic. I have had a strange immediate neurologica...

Vaccine Injury of K.N. – Ohio

I got the Moderna vaccine on 12/23. I felt a little metal taste but nothing much. The next day I had the typical flu like symptoms as I expected. The third day I went back to my routine of wor...

Edward Fernald

Eram Vaezi

George Goloby

Georgiana Sweetman

Ginger Mitchell

Vaccine Injury of S.T. – Washington

Vaccine Date: 27 April 2021
Entry Date: 6/21/21 I have been to the hospital 9 times, neurology twice, next appointment is tomorrow, my GP twice, a naturopath, trying to get a referral for a rheumatologist and immunologist....

Glenn Costie

Hillary Martinez