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Tagged with: Tinnitus

Vaccine Injury of Jeff Banta

First Pfizer jab July 2021. Second Pfizer jab 3 weeks later. Noticed swelling in my left ankle, decreased range of motion in left ankle, and significant discomfort in walking about a month after 2n...

Vaccine Injury of NC

Got vaccine and immediately developed severe headache, jaw pain, tinnitus in both ears, major burning behind the eyes where I had to wear sunglasses in winter, pressure to back and side of head and...

Vaccine Injury of Jeana Scott

August 20, 2021, I reluctantly and having anxiety over the issue, with my guts on fire and my body shaking, I went to the Pharmacy and signed the Covid Vaccine Document, “Under Duress of the Govern...

Vaccine Injury of Eric A Perez

Dec 22 2020  I received the first Astra Zeneca AZD1222 as part of the AZD1222 Study being held at the Veterans Affairs Administration located at 423 East 23 St NYC. Blood and vital signs taken...

Vaccine Injury of Robert Seromik

On 8/27/2021 I got my second pfizer. Within a week I was getting a flashes of light in my eyes while I was trying to sleep and also heart palpitations. I started developing overtime and slowly woul...

Vaccine Injury of Christopher Stone Lamb

I started feeling dizziness, extreme fatigue, cognitive impairment, headaches, within hours of my Second Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Largely bedridden for 1 1/2 years.

Vaccine Injury of Sarah Brochey

I went to my local pharmacy for the first vax. I waited 15 minutes afterwards, and felt ok but was dizzy. I went straight home and went to bed. I couldn't go back to work the next day so I just tho...

Vaccine Injury of Lance Varin

I was vaccinated on December 18th 2021 after going for a checkup with my primary care physician. I had covid already and was fine but during my visit he somehow convinced me that I needed to get a ...

Vaccine Injury of Michelle Matar

First Vaccine: Received the initial dose of the vaccine. Second Vaccine: Administered the second dose of the vaccine to complete the vaccination series. 1 Week Past 2nd Vaccine: Experienced a sudde...

Vaccine Injury of Niccolo Conti

State of well-being until the summer of 2021. First dose of Pfizer Comirnaty anti-covid19 vaccine (lot: FC3558) on 05/25/2021 with subsequent development of symptoms such as asthenia, migrant atral...

Vaccine Injury of Debra Mitchell

In January 2021 even though I worked from home, I was forced to get the Covid 19 vaccine in order to keep my job. I received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine on 1/12/2021. Approximately on 1/17...

Vaccine Injury of Mary Beth Knott

Vaccinated Jan 2021, and Feb 2021, went to the doc and was gaslit stating this is how the vaccine works and I had swollen lymph nodes in my neck and auxiliary. I also had inter cranial inflammation...

Vaccine Injury of Kate Nicoll

10 days after first vaccine 2021, since then 26 ER visits, 7 hospitalizations

Vaccine Injury of Gracie M Howlett

Phizer, Jabbed on July 5th, 2021

Vaccine Injury of KM

1st dose Pfizer Dec 2020-anticipated adverse reactions for the first 48hrs (fever,fatigue,sweats). 7 days out 48 hours of profound dizziness and nausea. 2nd dose Pfizer Jan 2021-anticipated reactio...

Vaccine Injury of Michael Urbanek

I had knee surgery at the age of 17 due to a football injury. It was a caritliage removal and repair of ligament damage. I was in a foot-to-upper thigh cast for 6 months, and that was extended anot...

Vaccine Injury of Daniel Cheng

At the time, I was working as an EMT with a 911 provider. After receiving the second dose of Moderna, I developed plaques on my knuckles and elbows. They quickly spread to my head, knees and back. ...