Vaccine Injury of Margaret Dennis
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Very active, working in her garden, driving and serving in her church community. Very healthy person.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
My mom had the 2nd dose of Moderna on June 15th, 2021. Approximately a year later ( June 2022) she began to experience weakness in her legs to the point that she asked me to walk with her to give her any needed support. Her hands began to show weakness and some curling in of the fingers. I made contact with someone who was connected to FLCCC, tried his protocol, saw a chiropractor and eventually went to a orthopedic practice in January 2023 in which took x-rays and ordered an EMG. Upon their findings with the EMG test they referred her to an ALS clinic in Hershey and upon doing their own EMG test, gave her the devastating news of an ALS diagnoses. They also ordered a MRI to rule out and possible nerve impingement but did discover several enlarged lymph nodes and was also diagnosed with a form of lymphoma. Her oncologist did order about a year of iVIG treatments and I was hoping this may have been helpful if something else was going on but she continued to decline. We have had live in care with her for a little over a year at this point and has lost any mobility in her legs and arms. Her breathing and swallowing still seem to be fine but there has been a decline in this area as well, just not like her limbs. It's been pretty horrible to witness and try to help out in ways that I can.
What would you like others to know?
Tell your story!
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Moderna Vaccine:18 May 2021lot #: 003C21A
Moderna Vaccine:15 June 2021lot #: 033B21A
Injury Date:
25 March 2022 -
Age at Injury:
79 -
PA -