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Vaccine Injury of Malerie

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

I was completely healthy and active. I was divorced and raising two young children. Had a full blown career. Was about to direct a feature film.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

My late father was a giant in his field of Hematology and research. He began his career at NIH. I grew up in a medical family and I hold an immense respect for doctors. I never considered not getting vaccinated. I trusted what I was told – that the vaccines were safe. I wanted to actively help in ending the pandemic. After my first Pfizer shot on March 6, 2021 I experienced 10 days of vertigo, brain fog, weakness of my limbs, a metallic taste in my mouth, and an initial fever. I went to see my previous primary care doctor who told me that since I was feeling better to get my second shot. I was a divorced mother and lived full time with my two children. I felt I needed to be brave and I listened to my doctor. Unfortunately, my second Pfizer shot on March 27, 2021 was drastically worse, and I have not yet fully recovered. What happened was the darkest, most terrifying odyssey of my life. I was overwhelmed with vertigo, imbalance, ringing in my ears, weakness in my limbs, crushing fatigue, disorientation, and a brain fog so thick I could not read or write my name. I lost hearing in my left ear and was initially prescribed a hearing aid. It felt like I had been poisoned. Like I was on a horrific drug. The only comparison I have, was when I was 30, I fell through a trap door in the pitch dark, 9 feet to a concrete floor. It took me six months to recover from my concussion.

This has been far worse. It’s been three years and eight months now, and I am still sick with what my doctors describe as a post vaccine encephalopathy. My FMRI done in March 2023 shows inflammation in my brain. Injury to the vascular reactivity and a breakdown of the memory pathways. Under the weight of overwhelming mounting medical expenses and still unable to fully function, my children and I moved in with my mother in 2021. I am now living with my husband and child (my oldest is in college). I am surviving this, but every day is a struggle.

I am better than I initially was, but I am no longer the same vibrant, healthy person I was. I am part of a much larger group of injured people, untold numbers who are struggling to get help.

 The conversation has become so politicized and controlled there’s been a blackout on the subject of the vaccine injured. There needs to be research and free discourse. The Covid-19 mRNA vaccine I received, by every account of my doctors, has gravely injured me. Not only should there be a governmental acknowledgement that these injuries have occurred, and a federal agency working on a cure or remedy, the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine injured should be able to plead their cases to the Click or tap if you trust this link." data-auth="Verified" data-linkindex="0">National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or VICP.  

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

These are fleeting and temporary aids to lift me from my crushing symptoms -- getting as much sleep as possible, walking or swimming, the sun, the cold ocean water, infrared red light on the brain (under the care of a neurologist), red light beds, sauna, and a long list of vitamins such as Quercetin, NAC, prodrome neuro, prodrome gila, prodrome BDMC (circumin) COQ10, thymus, vitamin C, vitamin D, activated vitamin B, omega 3, liposomal glutathione, zinc carnosine, polyphenols, apigenin.  Plus pepcid AC and a nasal antihistamine spray at night.  Eating a very, very low sugar, very little gluten-- mostly protein and vegetable diet. Fresh, organic food. Nothing processed. I have considered IVIG and am now considering plasmapheresis. The cost is high and I am unsure of the result so I have been cautious and not done any serious or experimental interventions. Including holding off on ozone, methylene blue, and blood thinners and anti platelet medications for my micro clots and activated platelet count.

Which solutions were not helpful?

I don't know. I've been very cautious.

What would you like others to know?

The best medicine when there is no cure as of yet is love.

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