Vaccine Injury of Lisa Kennington
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Single mom, working full-time, working out at the gym with a personal trainer. Just enjoying life.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
Got the first vaccine, started getting arm and shoulder pain, arm was burning so badly, after about a week or so, I couldn’t move it. Went to the ER, did a CT scan. Said I had a herniated disc. Went to a spine specialist, they did an MRI and saw a small spot of white matter (lesion). Scheduled for a neurological evaluation and brain scan. Before I could go to my appointment, I got the second vaccine and woke up with my leg not working, I was shaking, couldn’t swallow/speak well. Numbness in my hand and face. Rushed to hospital. By the time I got there, I couldn’t move both legs and I felt weak and shaky. They did a spinal tap and confirmed MS. Had to do 3 months of physical and cognitive therapy, using crutches. Couldn’t work for 3-4 months.) Started monthly infusions about 5 months post-diagnosis. Still struggling with loss of hearing, some vision changes, memory loss, tremors, muscle spasms and fatigue.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Infusions have helped so much! MS is an invisible disease. Need emotional and physical support from loved ones. Struggling financially. Need to find financial support that can help with bills and just living expenses. Still working full-time, but often have to rest my body and brain.
Which solutions were not helpful?
Feeling judged for not being able to control my nervous system and being in bed a lot.
What would you like others to know?
The vaccine absolutely triggered/caused my MS. I had no symptoms prior to this. My life was completely turned upside down. I can’t keep up financially/physically. The vaccine is poison and I wish I had never had it. I can now function fairly normally—(I can walk normally, for the most part)—but still struggle with a lot of neurological symptoms and severe weakness and fatigue. I’m just trying to make the most out of life and appreciate every day that I can feel semi-normal.
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Moderna Vaccine:04 February 2021
Moderna Vaccine:04 March 2021
Injury Date:
03 February 2021 -
Age at Injury:
41 -
UT -