Leslie L. // Johnson&Johnson
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
F/T Hospice RN No back pain, or foot pain
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
Describe your symptoms and the timeline of your reaction
I received one dose of Moderna in January 2021. The next day, I became short of breath and was so fatigued I had to stay in bed. I had two ED visits. I was told I had covid antibodies, so I had Covid, at the first visit. I was told I never had Covid and the antibodies were from the vaccine at the second visit. I never had a positive PCR. At the second visit, I no longer had antibodies, which is why the doctor concluded it was vaccine induced previously. My SPO2 was 87%. I improved with supplemental O2, but EKG and lung CT was normal so they sent me home. After 4 weeks, I called Frontline doctors and was prescribed ivermectin. I was up in a few days and back to work the following week.
Then, the Governor of NY mandated all health care providers be vaccinated.
I refused but no medical exemption was allowed. I was fired with the offer of returning if I was vaccinated. I lasted a couple of weeks then thought about long term financial effect.
After receiving the J&J I felt fine for several weeks and concluded I wouldn’t suffer a reaction.
About a month later, my feet became very painful. The left foot Moore than the right. I went to my GP who suggested it was MS. I went to my neurosurgeon who had performed a lumber fusion in 2017. MRI and CT scan of lumbar were negative. Left foot lost dorsiflexion. He sent me to an orthopedic doctor who did MRI of Left foot and brain. Foot negative, brain showed 2 flares. I’m 62, this can be age related but I still was asked to follow up with neurologist about MS.
And I was given (20)5 mg Oxycodone Neurologist wasn’t convinced it was MS. He performed a spinal tap and had 15 vials of blood drawn for a battery of tests.
A few days later, I felt a numbness advancing from my left foot to my calf. I woke up the next day paralyzed from the waist down on the left side. Went to local hospital. They did 2 spinal MRIs and 2 CT spinal scans. Nothing showed so they sent me home after 3 days with a walker and a shoulder shrug.
Dragged myself back to neurologist office. He admitted me to another hospital with a neurosurgery department. He wanted to give me 5 days of IV gamma globulin.
Upon admission, I was told I was positive for COVID. I had contracted it at the first hospital!
The neurologist at the hospital disagreed with the neurologist at the office. I was instead ordered 5 days of 1000 mg solumedrol IV. They also did a 90 minute MRI which allowed them to discover a lesion at T8-10. I was diagnosed with demyelination of the spinal cord. I was told it was most likely vaccine induced. I recouped some function of my left leg and foot. My feet were so painful, I had the sleep with slippers on so they did not touch each other. Also, I have an area on my left thigh that feels like razo blades are touching it if it is touched. I went home on 5 mg of hydrocodone.
Went back to the neurologist who prescribed PT and gave me 90, 10mg hydrocodone tabs. He told me the spinal tap and all the blood tests were negative so he was convinced it was all vaccine induced and that I would get better and soon be out of pain.
Four weeks later, pain was not better. I was afraid to take 10 mg so I broke the pills in half. Also, I tried to tolerate the agony as pain medication is not a cure.
I went to the gym every morning with the walker, to strengthen my entire body and hoped it would support my spine better. I went to a pain management doctor. He told me he believed the spine could remylenate and refilled the hydrocodone.
My husband and I realized we couldn’t afford to stay in NY, especially without my salary. We moved to Delaware.
I thought maybe ivermectin could help me again so I called the frontline doctors who prescribed (4) 15 mg doses to be taken over the next month.That was last month. I regained a lot of strength from the ivermectin but still am in agony most days. As I write this, I am again in bed, hoping to avoid taking the opiate if I can. I’m afraid it will stop working when I’m in dire need.
Thank you for doing this! Thank you for listening. God bless you all.
The individual experience shared above is offered for informational purposes only. React19 neither endorses nor recommends any treatment(s) noted therein. React19 does not diagnose medical conditions, offer treatment advice, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. It is strongly recommended that, prior to acting upon any information gleaned from a shared experience, you first consult a physician."
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
IV Solumdrol Ivermectin
Which solutions were not helpful?
Physical therapy
What would you like others to know?
If you feel strongly about not taking it, stand and fight. How can I help others?
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Vaccine Date:
15 October 2021 -
Injury Date:
21 November 2021 -
FL -