Vaccine Injury of Lara Adams
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
I used to enjoy outdoor activities and being social with family and friends. I often spent time with my kids doing activities. I have dogs that I would take on walks and adventures. I was happy and healthy and had a zest for life
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
After I got the vaccine I noticed that my arm was painful and achy for six weeks or more. I couldn’t sleep on my left side(vaccine arm), it ached terribly to lift my arm above shoulder length and I noticed that I had random times that I couldn’t grip anything with my left hand. A short time later my doctor discovered that my iron levels had dropped dangerously low. I started having seizures that are unexplained and often can’t sleep or want to sleep excessively. My migraine activity has been increased as well
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
I have found no helpful solutions, I live my life very cautiously because of the seizures and do my best to work through any pain or other symptoms that have surfaced
Which solutions were not helpful?
So far no one has been able to give me any explanation or solution to address the symptoms I have
What would you like others to know?
That they are not alone. There are other people that are experiencing the same challenges that they are.
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Moderna Vaccine:19 October 2021lot #: 026D21A
Injury Date:
19 October 2021 -
Age at Injury:
44 -
CA -