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Vaccine Injury of Kira Johnson

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

Very active mother of 3 boys, 7, 9, and 12 at the time of injury. I was injured on 06/15/2021, 19 days after my second dose of the Covid-19 vaccination. I was very active in my boy’s school, assisting in their classrooms regularly. I shuttled them to and from school daily, and attended their after school activities and sports. When I wasn’t at their school I was cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, tending the vegetable garden, and taking care of our three dogs. I always assisted my husband with our home renovations and enjoyed outdoor activities (hiking, riding bikes, tennis etc) with our family.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

I was injured on my right foot on 06/15/2021, kicking a soccer ball inadvertently kicking the concrete. Immediately knew this was not a “normal” pain feeling. My symptoms consisted of severe pain, being unable to bear weight on my foot, swelling, pins and needles, electric shock/ lightning sensation, hypersensitivity, skin color changes, change in skin texture, changes in skin temperature, sensitivity to hot and cold, joint stiffness, and excessive perspiration. Shortly after, I noticed the symptoms spread/ transferred to my left foot. In December 2021, an injury to my left toe accelerated the spread of the symptoms in my left foot. I underwent an EMG study, multiple MRI’s, Triple Phase Bone Scan, X-rays, and eventually diagnosed with CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) in the fall of 2021. Currently, my CRPS affects both legs from the knees down. I have since been confined to a wheelchair since December of 2021.

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

Laying down with feet elevated, swimming, and medications.

Which solutions were not helpful?

Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks, Spinal Cord Stimulator, and physical therapy.

What would you like others to know?

A good support system will help you with your life’s journey. Research your diagnosis. Advocate for yourself. Find doctors that are knowledgeable of your diagnosis. Be persistent with your insurance. Seek a specialist in CRPS. Don’t let your doctors push/ pressure you to take prescription narcotics. I personally refuse to take prescription narcotics. Prescription narcotics can limit your treatment options. Additionally, I learned from a consultation at USC, prescription narcotics can delay Ketamine Infusion treatments.

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The individual experience shared above is offered for informational purposes only. React19 neither endorses nor recommends any treatment(s) noted therein. React19 does not diagnose medical conditions, offer treatment advice, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. It is strongly recommended that, prior to acting upon any information gleaned from a shared experience, you first consult a physician.