Vaccine Injury of Kathleen Galeher
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Life was so much easier, pain free, I had so much more energy, many less doctor appointments. Just overall so much better.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
I went for my first COVID-19 vaccine on February 11. I work at a school with over 150 employees - we all went to Silver Cross Hospital together for a vaccine clinic. For 2-3 days afterward, many of my coworkers felt flush but bounced back after a couple of days and felt fine. I was incredibly nauseous and sick all the way up until my second vaccine on March 4, 2021. I missed 2 days of work after that shot, then woke up on March 6th covered in a rash on my upper body and bruising over my lower body. I was also extremely jaundiced and very sick feeling. Went to the doctor on March 11 and then every day for weeks - either dr visits or lab visits. Finally, after going to several specialists and tests, I landed with Dr. Sean Koppe - who has been my treating doctor since (and still). I was in liver failure, my liver numbers were very elevated, the worst ones were:
ALT: 1941
AST: 1067
Billrubin: 17.71
He got everything under control with prednisone. I got all my levels down and then they went right back up in September. I started a chemo/immunosuppressant then and have been on that ever since. I had a liver biopsy when this first started in March 2021. Three weeks after starting the chemo/Immunosuppressant, I got severe shingles on my head/face, which I still have no feeling. I have no been on the chemo/immunosuppressant for just over 2 years. My levels were tested monthly during this entire time and everything stayed normal/good until about 2 months ago when I was going through a very stressful situation at work. My liver levels started drastically increasing and I had to double my meds, rather than start to ween off of them. This whole situation has been the most sick I have ever felt (liver failure) and the most pain (shingles) in my entire life.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Which solutions were not helpful?
All the over 50 blood tests I did trying to find out what was going on.
Seeing a surgeon to find out if it was gallstones.
What would you like others to know?
Do not get vaccinated.
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Pfizer Vaccine:11 February 2021lot #: EM3249
Pfizer Vaccine:04 March 2021lot #: EM9809
Injury Date:
06 March 2021 -
Age at Injury:
49 -
IL -