Vaccine Injury of Jeffrey Olsen
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Life was good. I am a father of 3 and a husband to my high school sweetheart. I was a big, strong guy....built to provide and protect.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
My wife and I wanted to do some traveling and felt that the vaccine would simplify flying in America for us. I got the 1st shot on 3-10-2021 and the second on 3-31-2021. By 4-02-2021 I started losing feeling in my feet and hands. By August of 2021 I was shopping for wheelchairs online. By September of 2021 I was able to be cleared for IVIG and the chemo drug Imuran. Between those two I started feeling stronger by March of 2022. In Feb. 2023 I took the drastic measure of removing half of my small intestine so that my body would mal-absorb food. this resulted in a 110 lb weight loss that helped me tremendously with what little strength I had left. Life in late 2023 is good. I'm still weak as a school boy in my legs but I am able to do 90% of what used to least for now.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
I was lucky. Even though my neurologist disagreed about the cause of my neuropathy and loss of strength, he did order an autoimmune panel ran on my blood. This came back positive for TS-HDS and fgfr3 antibodies. I suspect that the vax triggered these to attack my vessels supplying blood to my nerves. Once we had that diagnosis we were able to get IVIG ok'd through my insurance.
Which solutions were not helpful?
All of the gaslighting from the 10+ dr's i saw before that blamed it on everything from diabetes too "it's all in my mind".
What would you like others to know?
Right now we have no solution so you have to be forceful in your medical care. If it offends or bruises the ego of the doctor, then find another doctor. I knew my strength was horrible at 295 lbs so I did something drastic and brought myself down to 185 pounds. Life is MUCH better at my new weight.
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Pfizer Vaccine:10 March 2021
Pfizer Vaccine:31 March 2021
Injury Date:
21 April 2021 -
Age at Injury:
50 -
UT -