Vaccine Injury of Grace Manning
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Grace was an honors student, top in her theater group, assistant dance instructor, beautiful singer, taught herself cooking and playing the piano. She had a wide circle of friends, and a wit second to none. She was ready to experience the world, and wanted to be a nurse when she grew up.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
September 1st vaccine dose
5 days later Grace complained of uncontrollable movement in her legs and sudden collapsing. She was brought to the ER where they ran tests and determined it was blood sugar related amd released.
October, she received her second dose and 5 days later she collapsed while being picked up from school, had a massive seizure and suffered a traumatic brain injury. She was taken to the hospital. She was in a coma for a couple of weeks.
2021-2023 - she spent time in multiple hospitals, and a rehab center for kids with TBA.
She was finally released from the hospital and lives with her mother at home. She cannot hear and has not spoken since 2021. She has home care services and attends a special schooling program that is inadequate for her needs. She presents as someone with a developmental disability and while she has gained some function back, needs 24 hour care. She goes to NYC once a month to receive treatments. She is being treated as someone with a seizure disorder and traumatic brain injury due to auto immune encephalitis.
What would you like others to know?
- There are a whole host of things that have occurred that we have faced over the past three years. I have scanned many of the stories and do not find one similar.
- At the time this happened, no one would discuss anything to do with the vaccines. Even today, there is very little discussion, although they are no longer ruling it out like previously.
- There is so much more to tell of this story. It has been 3 years, and we still hold out hope that we can someday get our Gracie back.
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Pfizer Vaccine:26 September 2021lot #: 301308A
Pfizer Vaccine:19 October 2021lot #: FF2590
Injury Date:
25 October 2021 -
Age at Injury:
13 -
NY -