Vaccine Injury of David (Vann) Whitley
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Retired, living the good life in the mountains of Colorado. Controlled high blood pressure very active with hiking.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
By March of 2022 I was in severe pain I contributed to needing a knee replacement and possible back injury and kidney cyst. By December 2022 I was admitted into the hospital with pain and high blood pressure 242/222. March 2022 admitted into Herman Memorial Hospital in Houston with severe High Blood pressure and Uncontrolled pain. Since then I have had to go to the hospital several times to be treated for high blood pressure and pain.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Dr. Peter McCullough in Frisco Texas started treating me along with Dr. Roger Billica in Fort Collins, Colorado. Both of these men have helped save my life.
Which solutions were not helpful?
Note 3 of the hospitals kicked me out when I asked to be treated for long Covid. And to make it worse one hospital, apparently injected me with the Moderna vaccine. Without my permission or knowledge this caused me to have a heart attack, and I nearly died.
What would you like others to know?
I am a survivor and do not ever give up. What the help of my medical team that are many miles away from me I am getting better. I still suffer from pain and fatigue, that robs half of my day. I am a very successful businessman and a board-certified Christian counselor with over 25 years of experience.. I also served in the United States, Marine Corps and Army Reserves 1974-1981
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Pfizer Vaccine:30 March 2021lot #: EP7533
Pfizer Vaccine:20 April 2021lot #: EW0170
Pfizer Vaccine:10 January 2022lot #: FL3197
Injury Date:
10 January 2022 -
Age at Injury:
67 -
CO -