Vaccine Injury of David Lawrence Fava
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Married, Retired, Self-Employed, Father, Grandfather, great-grandfather. Generally trusted mainstream medicine and the doctors that treated me. Good health, diet, light exercise, service-oriented worker. Systems analyst and web designer.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
First jab in August and second in September of 2021. Began having "mysterious" symptoms about two months post vaccination. Enlarged heart, chest pain, extreme weakness, cognitive impairment. As time went on, symptoms seem to deepen and increase in numbers. Mainstream medicine denied possible Vax injury. Sought out alternatives, such as Neuropathic and Functional Medicine. Not real helpful or knowledgeable about Vax injury or its treatment. Reported to VAERS and React-19. Retained attorney for Vax injury but was told it would take "an act of Congress" to get recognized and supported. September 2023 had episode of AFIB. Constant pain in chest, weakness, stingy pains throughout body, low red blood cells, hemoglobin and hemocrit. Still struggling. ER doctors explained to wife that I had "mental illness" instead of being a victim of the jab.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Grateful for Dr. Malone, Dr. David Martin, Dr. McCullough, Pastor Dave Bryan, and those who are fighting for justice for the victims of Big Pharma and their accomplices.
Which solutions were not helpful?
Mainstream medicine and their "protocols" and responses to those who are suffering as a result of the COVID "Con" and the pressures to be vaccinated. Doctor's who ignore their oath to do no harm, whether knowingly or by outside pressures.
What would you like others to know?
As a victim, I have prepared a web site, FavaZone.Com that provides helpful knowledge for those who believe we can trust our politicians, medical communities, Big Pharma, and wealthy individuals who want to reduce global populations.
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Moderna Vaccine:05 August 2021lot #: 03947 CVS
Moderna Vaccine:02 September 2021lot #: 03947 CVS
Injury Date:
02 September 2021 -
Age at Injury:
63 -
CA -