Vaccine Injury of Dave Oliphant
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Active jogger and hiker 5 to 8 miles one or two times per month.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
Pfizer Covid vaccine March and April 2021 and Pfizer booster on January 6 2022. Peripheral neuropathy symptoms after April 2021. Tested January 28, 2022 by skin biopsy and confirmed in February 2022 by a physician neurologist that I had small fiber neuropathy. Since then decreased feeling in feet and legs and hands and fingers. Hot and cold feeling changes. No other cause of neuropathy has been found since that time. Hiking monthly has been reduced to 2 to 4 miles instead of 5 to 8 miles.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Vitamin B12 supplement and multivitamins. Diet and sleep. Also ibuprofen and Tylenol.
Which solutions were not helpful?
X-rays and blood tests did not reveal cause of neuropathy.
What would you like others to know?
That my peripheral neuropathy symptoms have not diminished since mid2021. Also some adverse impacts to sleep and some joint pain and some fatigue. Sinus area head pain started in July 2022.
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Pfizer Vaccine:21 March 2021lot #: EN6207
Pfizer Vaccine:21 April 2021lot #: EW0150
Pfizer Vaccine:06 January 2022lot #: FL3198
Injury Date:
28 January 2022 -
Age at Injury:
68 -
SC -