Vaccine Injury of Daniel Van Ackeren
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Life was great before the vaccine. Dan was very active & social. He won a state tennis championship in High School and was an extremely active kid. He continued his love for physical activity into adulthood and enjoyed tennis, pickleball, basketball, hiking, cycling, and was always up for some competition (even from his teenage boys on the basketball and tennis court). Well educated, he received his Bachelors, a Doctorate of Chiropractic and his MBA. He excelled at business and started a wellness company that was on the Inc. 500 (before I met him). He was a pillar in the community and was always on the go.
He was a single dad in 2015 when I met him, and we had a fairytale but quick romance and merged our 3 boys into a new family unit in was a beautiful life...until late 2021.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
Something in Dan's gut told him not to get the vaccine, but worries that he could transmit COVID to his parents and losing someone very close to him from COVID convinced him to get it. 7/31/21 was the first Pfizer dose. He didn't feel great right after but was back to his old self within a few days. 8/21/21 Dan and I went into the same CVS as the first dose and he received the second Pfizer vaccine. Pain, numbness, tingling were the first signs something wasn't right. Symptoms started slowing emerging over the next few months (sharp pain, trouble walking, incontinence, tremors, choking, vomiting, hands and feet changing color, blood spots that bled on his arms and legs, difficulty breathing, etc). We went to 2 ER's, they both told us he was fine, nothing wrong, and released him. The second hospital ER visit where they released him we begged them to keep him and do tests. They refused and just 4 days later I would find him barely breathing. Nov. 26, 2021, I found him unresponsive. I called 911, they asked me to get him on the floor and start chest compressions, it was terrifying. He ended up on a ventilator in the trauma ward of the ICU. They wouldn't listen. They told me he must have taken a pill and tried to kill himself.
They diagnosed him with Pneumonia. They didn't want to hear his issues started after the vaccine, but I had to keep saying it because it was the truth. They put him in a "suicide watch" room when they transferred him out of ICU and tried to take away sheets and blankets. They even wrote this in his medical records. On top of all the pain he was going through, we couldn't believe he was being treated so badly at the hospital. Since then our lives have been turned upside down. Dan is on disability now as he's unable to work, drive, or care for himself as he used to. Constantly moaning in pain, vomiting along with dozens of other strange symptoms, he has been relegated to the bed most of the time. When not in bed he sits in an office chair in the living room clutching the arm wrests trying to hide his pain. He is unable to enjoy life & is a shell of who he used to be. It is heartbreaking to watch. We went to every type of specialist it seemed and if they didn't gas light us, they would refer him to yet another specialist. He had a 3 level cervical fusion in Dec. 2022 hoping that would help - unfortunately, it didn't. We uprooted our lives in TX and lived in an RV for 4 months as he went to a natural doctor in Arkansas for some intense treatments hoping that would work. We saw a Chinese medicine doctor, but the money ran out, I lost my job and the hope once again faded. Financially and emotionally this has devastated us. It's taken us 2 years to have a diagnosis that matches up to my husband's symptoms. It may take another 2 years to get him in a better place physically. I don't know what the future holds but I do know we deserve answers, and help. I'm angry that we are all in this situation but I feel there is a bigger purpose to all this and that nothing happens by accident. I pray we find that purpose one day and can all get out of this nightmare and get our lives back.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
I reached out to Dr. Joel Wallskog while we were in Arkansas this past summer and he was amazing. Dan wanted to help with the clinic that he's opening but his health was too poor and energy not there so we had to focus on getting him a bit better. Dr. Joel told us we need to have Dan see Dr. Lindley and Dr. Gazda. They are all fantastic and Dr. Gazda (after running 33 vials of labs and reviewing all his prior records) was able to uncover that he has Vaccine-induced Dysautonaumia. His nervous system is unable to regulate itself (it affects breathing, heart, temperature regulation, and all systems in the body linked to the autonomic nervous system). Now it all makes sense!! This is a real condition, and a very scary one. We are relieved to know now what he has and have proof where it came from - Pfizer
His spike proteins are through the roof, and so many other labs are off it's scary.
Next steps: Dan has many specialists he needs to see. No guarantees he will get better but I'm determined to not stop until he can at least enjoy life a little again. He is the love of my life and to see him suffer like this daily is beyond heartbreaking.
Which solutions were not helpful?
Gaslighting the patient. Seeing doctors who are not well versed on the latest data on vaccine injuries or who dismiss you when you tell them your symptoms started after receiving the vaccine. If they tell you the vaccine can't hurt you - run the other way! Listening to anyone who says this is all in your's not.
What would you like others to know?
You are not alone. Those of you who are suffering with what seems like endless symptoms and whose life has been turned upside down, you matter! And you are NOT crazy. The caretakers of the vax injured.
I know you are on a mission (and in a bit of panic mode) to help but if you don't take care of yourself you will crash and burn. Believe me, I've been there. I'm learning to give myself some grace. One day at a time.
Know that you are doing the best you can do and that is enough. I'm praying for healing and for justice for all those injured and living this nightmare alongside us.
- Brenda (Dan's wife and advocate)
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Pfizer Vaccine:31 July 2021lot #: EW0150
Pfizer Vaccine:21 August 2021lot #: FD8448
Injury Date:
21 August 2021 -
Age at Injury:
51 -
TX -