Vaccine Injury of Christopher Stone Lamb
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
I was healthy. I ran. I lifted weights. I was one of the healthiest people I knew. I was very active with my young children. I have been vegan for 32 years and moved to the area we live in for easier access to hiking (we had lived in suburban sprawl). We took our kids hiking nearly every weekend weather permitting. If I tried to hike, which I could push through sometimes, I would be absolutely bedridden for about a week afterwards, so I haven't been hiking in over a year (I think I might have hiked 3 or 4 times in the previous years since the vaccination). My days are pretty much lying in bed or on the couch.
Before my 2nd Moderna vaccination, I worked a CA state job 40 hours a week. I have been unemployed since shortly after my 2nd vaccination when my sick leave/vacation time ran out.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
I started feeling dizziness, extreme fatigue, cognitive impairment, headaches, within hours of my Second Moderna COVID-19 vaccination. Largely bedridden for 1 1/2 years.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
I started taking low-dose naltrexone in Nov. or Dec. of 2022 which enabled me to spend more time vertical. I am still often bedridden but it's not constant anymore.
Exercise has I think been helpful, although not a lot. I have to push through exercise because I am always exhausted and in pain. Some days exercise is not possible. The alternative is to waste away. I had gotten to a point where I had to get my wife to open jars.
Which solutions were not helpful?
Light physical therapy was a waste of time.
What would you like others to know?
This has ruined my life and limited my children's experiences. Thinking is almost a physical act anymore it's so difficult. The government won't return my emails, nor will any news outlets publish comments or editorials or reply to email. It's like we don't exist.
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Moderna Vaccine:08 May 2021lot #: 024C21A
Injury Date:
08 May 2021 -
Age at Injury:
54 -
CA -