Vaccine Injury of Arvo Zylo
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
I was able to do a full workout every day. I was able to drink coffee without becoming ill.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
The initial injection caused my lymph nodes to swell up for three weeks. I was told this was normal. The second injection caused me to be unable to exercise without chest pains. After the third injection, which I took specifically because I was planning to leave the United States for good, I stopped getting oxygen to my brain. I began blacking out every day, and seeing stars. There were times where my eyes would be open and I would be awake, but all I could see was blackness. My entire respiratory system seemed to be inflamed. I had an MRI, and my sinuses were swollen shut, full of fluid. My pulmonologist said that my blood/oxygen was 93%, but that was "normal", and I just needed to drink more water and exercise more. After clueless doctors without masks tried to get me to do "physical therapy", I left and went to another medical center. It took me over a year to get an appointment with a "Long Covid Clinic". When I did go, none of the nurses or doctors were wearing masks. I told them my symptoms. They tested my blood pressure before and after getting out of a chair, and it would skyrocket. I was diagnosed with POTS. I then told them that my symptoms came about shortly after the booster, and they rescinded my diagnosis, citing my reluctance to take their heart medication. I had tried blood pressure meds before, and it made me sleep for 20 hours a day, so I wasn't going to be their guinea pig with heart medication. I asked them if I could use a nebulizer, and they said no, because it would "scar my lungs". Nine months after my initial inability to breathe properly, I used a nebulizer and it helped me stop blacking out every day. I refused to go to an emergency room, because I knew they would not know what to do, and I didn't want to catch Covid.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
My symptoms are ongoing. I am not blacking out anymore since I used a nebulizer. I had a brief period where it seemed that intermittent fasting helped, but then when I had to move to another home with my symptoms still lingering, it seems there was a relapse of symptoms that in some ways are worse than before, in terms of chronic pain and inflammation.
I just try to cut out carbs and gluten and basically everything but soup and salad. I basically feel severely hung over on most days, and still can't do any high impact exercise.
Incidentally, this frequency generator did seem to help significantly when my friend ran it for me.
Which solutions were not helpful?
I have tried a number of different vitamins and expensive supplements. None of it seems to make much of a difference.
What would you like others to know?
I have written two articles, one which was anonymous, and one which was meant for my friends to see (nobody read it really). It might be helpful for additional information. I should note that the "open-vaers" website needs to be removed from the anonymous article, because it was found to be fake information, but I don't have the log in info anymore.
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Moderna Vaccine:01 July 2022
Moderna Vaccine:01 August 2021
Pfizer Vaccine:03 February 2022
Injury Date:
03 February 2022 -
Age at Injury:
40 -
WA -