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Sarah Sabold

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

I worked 35 hours a week, was able to care for my home, and personal needs.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

I had a reaction right away, which by doctors said was cellulitis. Within four weeks, my hands felt like pins and needles, like they were dead. Then my ankles were swollen. When I was about 90% asleep, I would wake up from sleep daze with chest pain. However, my symptoms exploded after a week at the beach 6 months later. Then I became “allergic” to all foods but 5, I could only eat: chicken, eggs, mushrooms, certain greens, blueberries for months. I had horrible neuropathy when I ate, that would start in my next, then go down my arms, back, shoulders. The pain was excruciating. I attempted to end my life but was interrupted. I then had brain fog, more memory loss than normal, not able to find words or read without re-reading several times and had trouble comprehending. Had independent labs done which were so $$, but proved most of my indexes were high for covid long haulers. So the vaccine gave me the disease it was supposed to be protecting me from. I now have severe PTSD from this whole experience. I can’t find help. I was recovering, but I’ve relapsed 100%. It’s worse now than a year ago. I did have an existing facial pain condition that was initially not effected, but after my relapse it became unbearable. 10/10 pain. I am in hell and I just want this to end. Thank you for all you’re are doing. I am now 💯 disabled, and can barely take care of my self, let alone my family. I can’t hold a plate now without being in excruciating pain. I can barely use my arms, they feel like they re 100lbs. Have trouble balancing, walking.

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

3 day water Fast w fat bombs, followed by 7 days eating 💯 Whole Foods then repeat. Dr Joseph Mercola’s recommendation. clean diet, family support, black seed oil. Hot baths w epsom salt, tens unit on face and back constantly

Which solutions were not helpful?

Hbot -caused worsening headache
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