Rocco Ruiz
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
My most overwhelming symptom is severe myoclonic jerks. They happen every single night, without exception. I didn’t immediately correlate the jerks with the vaccine.
After I got the first Pfizer vaccine, I had 2 nights of jerks and then they went away. So, I thought nothing of them. Then, a week after getting the 2 vaccine, it was like a switch turned on and hasn’t shut off since. I’m now going on 13 straight months of myoclonic jerks. They’re so intense sometimes that they completely prevent me from sleeping, so I stay up for 48 hours straight.
I also noticed that I started breaking out in random rashes but, just on my hands and wrist areas. They last 15-20 minutes, then subside.
It seems now I also get rashes on the undersides of both my arms. This seems to occur as a reaction to be hot and sweating. I’ve never in my life experienced this.
The last most notable symptom is an overall lack of energy; this overwhelming sense of fatigue. Running and working out is so difficult now, and almost impossible at times. I forced myself to run a 5k in May and it was a big mistake. It took me an entire week for my body to recover.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Which solutions were not helpful?
What would you like others to know?
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Pfizer Vaccine:12 August 2021
Injury Date:
19 August 2021 -
NJ -