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Raya Odom

Tagged with: Clotting,

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

It was great I was function okay I was eating good me and my husband was working exercising I mean we moved here from Chicago and only been here a year and all this took place I lost my twin baby girl within all 1year of being here I almost lost my life if it was y for my god. I had a coronary artery dissection at age 32. They made all type of threats and promises such as you’re going to be okay and when I kept refusing they told me that I couldn’t get seen nowhere in Seattle until I got vaccinated. I’m pregnant at the time and asked why do you keep offering me this after I said no. So they got to making promises and threats I’m trying to protect me and my babies.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

Wasn’t really any symptoms except after I had my baby then symptoms start coming and after my baby was born and it was just a football size blood clot that I had to be rushed to the hospital

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

Getting to a hospital when I did or I was going to die that night

Which solutions were not helpful?

Them diagnosising me with Gerd and giving me that vaccines

What would you like others to know?

Be careful who you let touch you and tell you things and always watch people and ask all the questions you need yo
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