Laura Schmidt
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
I had gotten the booster in February of 2022 because I was planning a trip to Italy for 10 days and it was required. The trip went well, I was still my old self. I was home for about two weeks and I started to get a malar rash on my face along with itchy rings on my skin. I treated it as though it was ringworm, but it was discoid rash. A few days later my whole body exploded with what looked like hives, but were not. These bumps were very hard and painful and eventually scabbed over. My hands and feet began to severely swell and have alarming pins and needles and an hour later shrivel and prune, sometimes a few times a day and through the night. My immune system went crazy. I had strange blue webs of veins on both legs. My hands and feet peeled severely for months and I could not use them. My finger tips turned blue/purple and my nails fell out. At one point a lot of skin came off of my head along with a lot of hair. It was as though I had severe radiation symptoms. The doctors said it was onset of skin/auto immune due to anxiety. I also have pain in shoulders and arms. Eye infection and discomfort on head behind my eye. Right eye herpes infection that travelled along the nerve to ear and there was hearing loss.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Which solutions were not helpful?
What would you like others to know?
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Pfizer Vaccine:09 February 2022
Injury Date:
02 April 2023 -
NY -