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Kevin Fischer

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

I had just had a full physical and all was good. I have a thyroid condition but that was it. I was in good health, I was 5'11 at 242 pounds and full of muscle like a ball player or wrestler.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

About an hour after the vaccination at the Wellspan clinic I was home and started to feel like my body was being crushed. I started to feel like an elephant was on my chest and I could not breathe. My wife called the doctor and she suggested to get me to the ER.

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

After arriving at the Wellspan hospital in York Pa. I was seen immediately and about 6 hours later after testing and monitoring they discharged me and said to contact a cardiologist. I went home and called the doctor again and she said to go back to the ER.

Which solutions were not helpful?

Not being taken seriously by the hospital that gave me the shot. I was having a heart attack and no one seemed to care. I ended up going to another hospital UPMC in York Pa, where I was surrounded with doctors who actually wanted to help me. I was taken into surgery for a cath procedure and spent a few days in the hospital. I am in chronic pain every day and I have had seizures, trmors, loss of balance and falling over. I lose a lot of sleep and barely make it through work and don't know what to do next. I now have lost 74 pounds and can't seem to get any weight back on. I lost all my muscle mass. The docs at UPMC say that I have an enlarged thorasic aortic annurism . I was checked for clots and blockages but none were there.

What would you like others to know?

This is real and I would not recommend anyone to get the shot. I suffer every day and just don't want to go on like this . Its effecting my family and my job and Im not sure how much longer it will go on because nothing is helping. My doctor treated me for the pain with gabupentin but my seizures and tremors got worse so I had to stop it.
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