Katrina Jenkins
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
After the second shot, the facial numbing and swelling is on and off consistently. Pains in my head that go beyond simple headaches and are not migraines. The left side of my body from my feet to my head have had a tingling, numbing pain. The digestive issues just keep getting worse since the beginning. I'm lucky if I have a bowel movement once a day. I'm not at the point where it is painful to eat solid food, have not have a solid bowel movement, and getting bad reactions while digesting most of what I eat, which isn't much. I've had blood in my discharge that wasn't during menstruation. My vision is deteriorating at consistently since late summer of 2021. I developed tinnitus in October 2021. Any sleep pattern is nonexistent. I either can't sleep because of pain, wake up from pain, have to sleep uncomfortably sitting up, and also constantly wake up in the middle of the night. Since November of last year, the symptoms in my head and chest have worsened. I have a gapping, swollen feeling in the midchest area and back. It even sometimes feels like something throbbing against my best ribs on the left. There is a swelling, throbbing, squeezing pressure in the left side of my head, feels like the brain. Several emergency rooms visits, and doctor visits have yielded no solutions.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Which solutions were not helpful?
What would you like others to know?
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Pfizer Vaccine:17 June 2021
Injury Date:
17 June 2021 -
IL -