Karen Whitworth
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
My daughter was a fit and healthy 34 yesr old vegetarian, who worked full time with Eritrean children in Leeds.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
She syffered severe head psin 5 weeks after the 1st dose of pfizer and 2 weeks larer collapsed with a massive bleed on her brain and blood clots aswell as high blood pressure and high temperature. She had brain surgery and was in a coma for 7 weeks. Still in Leeds hospital 8 months later unable to walk or care for herself. She has inly been apeakung and eating for the last few months
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
The Dr has managed to deny vaccine damage and have coerced her husband to give permission to give her a second shiot of this poison in hospital.
I did report this damage to the yellow card and they made contact 3 months later.
Which solutions were not helpful?
Jabbing her again in December and they constantly trsted her until they got a positive test and shipped ger out if her side room at Chapel Allerton into LGIs covid ward. Disgusting, she had no symptoms.
Rhey syaff do not wash her properly they put foid nesr that she cannot reach and I have witnessed wicked behaviour when shiving medication down her throat, they do not practice their duty of care, by taking time to administer her medication with a spoon they rush it and let it dribnle all down her, ni water or colths to clean her up.
What would you like others to know?
That uf you take these poisonous shits you are not warned of the damage, the drs deby its these jabs and nobody knows how to treat the adverse reactions. Your lufe is over. I haven't stopped crying for 9 months , these evil governments have destroyed her life as well as ours
I have written to MPs, NHS England, GB News, nobody cares, you are all alinr fighting this horrendous tyranny.
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Pfizer Vaccine:26 May 2021
Injury Date:
18 July 2021 -
FR -
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Common Tags
Fatigue 392
Heart Issues 324
Inflammation 321
Muscle or Joint Pain 287
Head Pain 280
Brain Fog 274
Limb Weakness 256
Paraesthesias 246
Neuropathy 232
GI Issues 212
Sleep Issues 191
Tremors or Twitching 180
Tinnitus 159
Autoimmunity 150
POTS 138
Dermatologic 117
Vision Issues 107
Psychiatric 93
Clotting 85
Neurological 32
Menstrual Issues 23
Clotting-Cardiovascular 20
Myocarditis 20
Allergies 7
Dysautonomia 4
Neuropsychiatric 4
Lymphadenopathy 2
The individual experience shared above is offered for informational purposes only. React19 neither endorses nor recommends any treatment(s) noted therein. React19 does not diagnose medical conditions, offer treatment advice, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. It is strongly recommended that, prior to acting upon any information gleaned from a shared experience, you first consult a physician.