John Agresta
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
On Nov. 9-10, 2021 I had extreme chest pain, like nothing I've ever had before. I called my mom in the middle of the night, scared about the symptoms and pain I was experiencing. I went to the emergency room and was diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis. My troponin level was very high. I was given morphine for pain and kept in the hospital for two days. The staff did fill out a VAERS report but I have never heard anything further regarding that report. I was given a prescription for ibuprofen and colchicine. I was instructed to follow up with a cardiologist and have an echocardiogram during December. After leaving the hospital I experienced heart palpitations, weird heart racing, heavy beating, etc... I mentioned this to the cardiologist at a follow up visit. I wore a heart monitor for two days and was told the readings were normal. I had an echocardiogram at the end of Dec. 2021 and was told it was normal. I started seeing another cardiologist closer to my home in January 2022. I told him of my weird heart beats, pounding, and now feeling like I couldn't get a deep breath. He had me wear a heart monitor for a couple of days and again I was told the results were find. He ordered an exercise stress test and told me to see a pulmonologist which I did in Feb. 2022. I did both of these and was told everything was normal on the exercise stress test and the testing by the pulmonologist. In March I continued to have weird heart pounding and pain in my chest. I was home for spring break and I did start taking supplements that could help with vaccine injury. I tried to go back to college but the chest pains and heart pounding got worse. I came home to stay with my parents. On March 20, 2022 I was in so much pain and felt like I couldn't breath. I went to the emergency room but was told that all of the lab work and EKG readings were normal so I was sent home. I continued to have chest pain, heart pounding, and now fatigue. Over the next few weeks I went to the ER three more times. Once I was admitted but the hospital staff said my symptoms were anxiety related and suggested I go to pain management. The cardiologist I had been seeing was no help to me at all. He advised that I go to see a neurologist about possible dysautomonia. I have recently (April 2022) seen a neurologist and I have an MRI scheduled for this coming Saturday May 7, 2022. I am now having heads pains, ear ringing, dripping or wet feelings under my skin in addition to the chest pains, heart pounding, and fatigue. I have been to see a doctor that believes in vaccine injury and I have been prescribed ivermectin, naltrexone, and hydroxychloroquine. I've also had several UV oxygen, IV treatments at their office. I continue to take supplements that are recommended for vaccine injury. I recently saw a functional doctor and cardiologist. He believes because I had JIA (Juvenille Idiopathic Arthritis) as a child that I would have been exempt from getting the vaccine and that it was poison to my body. He has not yet given me recommendations for my symptoms. I continue to feel horrible everyday.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Which solutions were not helpful?
What would you like others to know?
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Pfizer Vaccine:13 September 2021
Injury Date:
10 November 2021 -
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