Jerry Vasquez Sr
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
Originally when i was admitted to the ER because of a bad cold. I was immediately taken to ICU, and I was given a shot to put me to sleep Told the doctor I was unvaxed not sure if I was given a covid shot. Well, I went into a coma and was out for 23 days and when I was awakened, I found myself paralyzed from neck down to my ancles. My right foot has some kind of a skin graft.
and lacerations on my face that were sewed on my ear, chin, cheek and nose.
I looked like I had been in a car wreck.
to this day I do not know what happened. So, through therapy and lots of work a year later I am able to function. On my own but have scars on face to make me wonder every time I look in the mirror.
During my stay I know i was given remdesivir because that's in the report. which causes renal failure
I'm guessing that could be the cause of my organs that will never be the same.
I know that when I was awakened the doctor told me he was going to send a probe down my throat.
to examine my lungs and when they did this, I was choked out remember I was paralyzed so I couldn't move except for my head. At that time, I went into cardiac arrest, and I felt my self-dyeing. then I was revived. came back to life. I had a serene experience , but will be told another time.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Which solutions were not helpful?
What would you like others to know?
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Other Vaccine:18 June 2021
Injury Date:
18 June 2021 -
CA -