Holly Obrien
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
I received the new booster on 10/29/2022, exactly two weeks later I began to suffer from severe headaches and for the life of me could not focus on my work. I started to make mistakes that I have never made before. The doctor prescribed medication that did not work. During this time I began to have ringing in my left ear and what sounds like a train with vibration in my right ear. They decided at this point it was my anxiety and that i should try new meds. This caused me to have sever tachycardia, even after discontinuing the medication I am still having. I have been to a chiropractor to see if adjustments would help and they did not and now I am on antibiotics to see if my sinuses are causing the issue. The timing of the vaccine to Pfizer to my symptoms has me believing that my symptoms has me believing that one was caused by the other but my doctors office does not believe so. The tinnitus has made my day to day living very hard, as focusing on work is difficult and some times it is so loud that it is hard to hear.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Which solutions were not helpful?
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Pfizer Vaccine:29 October 2022
Injury Date:
11 November 2022 -
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