Henrietta Freeman
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
I had a neurological condition which meant I was paralysed from the chest down with arm weakness. That aside I was healthy and never unwell. I was sporty and exercised 3 times a week as well as a weekly overnight stay for football training and weekends away competing. I was sociable and also studying for my maths exam at college which involved 3hrs of classes a week and work outside the classroom. I was very busy, not at home much and lived a normal life despite my disability.
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
Within a few days of the vaccine I had a headache and didn’t feel right. I still have that 24/7 headache ever since that day. I then started getting fortnightly infections that I’d never had before. I also put on 3st within a fortnight (which is swelling not fat as I hardly eat). I had chronic fatigue and chronic insomnia. I have developed a wide range of symptoms which now total 36 - they include mast cell issues, memory loss, loss of a lot of my speech and language, nausea, can hardly eat, aches and pains. I soldiered on until about December 2021 but started going really downhill despite my best efforts and have been bedbound most of the time since March 2022. My life is unrecognisable.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Emmett therapy. Which is like acupressure.
Which solutions were not helpful?
I have tried a variety of sleeping tablets, pain medication, headache relief with no luck.
What would you like others to know?
There are other people just like you, ignore the gaslighting from medical professionals, your situation is real!
Please get in touch with React 19 who can direct you to support in your country.
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Pfizer Vaccine:09 October 2021
Injury Date:
12 October 2021 -
FR -
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Common Tags
Fatigue 391
Heart Issues 324
Inflammation 320
Muscle or Joint Pain 286
Head Pain 280
Brain Fog 273
Limb Weakness 255
Paraesthesias 246
Neuropathy 232
GI Issues 211
Sleep Issues 191
Tremors or Twitching 179
Tinnitus 159
Autoimmunity 149
POTS 138
Dermatologic 117
Vision Issues 107
Psychiatric 92
Clotting 85
Neurological 32
Menstrual Issues 23
Clotting-Cardiovascular 20
Myocarditis 20
Allergies 7
Dysautonomia 4
Neuropsychiatric 4
Lymphadenopathy 2
The individual experience shared above is offered for informational purposes only. React19 neither endorses nor recommends any treatment(s) noted therein. React19 does not diagnose medical conditions, offer treatment advice, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. It is strongly recommended that, prior to acting upon any information gleaned from a shared experience, you first consult a physician.