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Hannah Bakken

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

Highly active cyclist and artist, always moving and no health issues than some manageable IBS. Healthy and stable, lots of energy.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

Day after second dose I developed debilitating left flank back pain and nausea which laid me out for months with no diagnosis or solutions. Pain medications, muscle relaxers, nothing would help. Hurt to bend over and quality of life severely altered. Then in June/July 2021 I started demonstrating chest pain, palpitations, arm pain, and dizziness which has persisted to this day. I caught Covid in early November, recovered well but had lasting fatigue and swollen neck lymph. I have since been diagnosed with dysautonomia and pericarditis, have been prescribed colchicine and a low dose mineralcortisteroid to help. Results tbd

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

I have not found viable solutions for my chest pain up to this point, I hope that the colchicine will help. The back pain eventually subsided but flares every once in a while. Stress management helps a small bit.

Which solutions were not helpful?

Pain medications and muscle relaxers didn’t help. Adverse reaction to metoprolol. Other solutions have not be offered by my medical team. Unsure if vit d, zinc, other supplements help.
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