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Emily Castillero

Tagged with: Heart Issues,

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

Before receiving Covid-19 Vaccine, I never had any issues with my heart. I used to be very active. I considered myself a very active person, I have a job as a Registered Nurse in the emergency department which keep me busy and on my feet every shift.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

One of the first symptoms I encountered was palpitations, I started d to feel my heart racing just from a sitting position, or it will wake me up during sleep. I visited my doctor, and he referred me to a cardiologist who prescribed verapamil 80mg, which did not help me. He referred me to another cardiologist who specialized in heart rhythm or recommended a Zio patch for two weeks. The results of the Zio patch were that I have Supraventricular Tachycardia or SVT, and I had a total of 7370 runs of SVT in a period of two weeks. At that moment, he told me that he had never seen anyone with so many SVT, and he recommended an ablation; I had an ablation on June 16, 2022. I am still having palpitations and waiting for the results of the second time Zio patch.

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

As I mentioned, I am still struggling with palpitations every day. my heart rate goes up just getting ready to work or getting breakfast ready.

Which solutions were not helpful?

For example, I had an ablation and I still having heart palpitations.

What would you like others to know?

I want others to know, especially the government, that this vaccine has changed the life of many of us. I live in constant fear of permanent damage to my heart. I wish I had known about React 19 sooner and that people are willing to help others. I will be happy to show any relevant medical record if needed. Thank you for your help and willingness to help people like me who are still struggling to find a cure and to be back as I used to be.
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