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Debbie Murray

What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?

Worked out m-f. 5 miles a day on stationary bike, 2 miles on treadmill, weights. I went to a lot of concerts/music festivals and dancing. I maintained a large yard/flowerbeds without difficulty.

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

I had a reaction to the first shot, 3/20/21, on day 3 when I tried several times to walk on treadmill, then swollen red arm. Balance issues and freezing, extreme nausea. 4/07/21 consulted my asthma doctor. Looked at arm, checked antibodies, over 80%, recommended I get 2nd one. 4/14/21 Second vax. arm still swelling more and nurse refused to give it. Doctors looked at my chart and said give it. Had me sit with emt. Trouble driving home. Canceled my day. Within 4 hours twitching, falling, rushes down arms and spine with every breath out. In 2 days went to ER first of 4 Friday's. First ekg fine, next 2 Friday's left atrial enlargement on 4/22, same the following Friday plus possible iinfarct. Never told. Lactic acid was 2.6, given 1 liter Lactic Ringer. Abnormal emg, 100% balance impaired on CTSIB testing. Abnormal skin biopsy for sfn. Ataxia, down beating nystagmus, pots, macrocytosis, igg3 subclass deficiency. Low wbc. Ocular rosacea, blephiritis, elevated liver enzymes several times, fatty liver with probable fibrosis. Tinnitus, hypercussis, moderate fall risk, vestibular system stopped working from a central pathology yet to be determined. Pale,tachycardia, sweats, freezing. Temperature dysfunction. Have to keep food at room. temperature. Trouble walking, driving, multitasking difficulty, brain fog ,insomnia, bleeding fissures on tongue. Vaginally bleeding x2. Rectal bleeding x1 May 4. Black stools for a year.

Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms

Time, fasting, steroids, doxycyclin, diet.

Which solutions were not helpful?

Vestibular physical therapy

What would you like others to know?

I regret the vaccine
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