Crystal Poulin
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
On January 29, 2021 I immediately became dizzy after the covid 19 vaccine. 6 hours later I had a horrible headache that felt like something was crushing down on my cheekbones. This headache did not let up for 7 weeks straight. On Day 3 post Vaccine, I got very nauseaous and dizzy. Every night around 4pm I would get very dizzy and it would last a couple hours. On Day 10, I began having heart palpitations, high blood pressure, tachycardia, diarrhea with pale yellow stools, I had tremors, twitching, a weak heavy feeling in my legs, chills, frequent urination. These symptoms lasted a few weeks. I lost weight. After this initial onset, every 3 weeks I became dizzy with a headache, frequent urination, twitching, and heart palpitations. By May, I had constant chest pain with sharp stabbing pains on the left side, and achy sternum, and shooting pains to my left shoulder and underarm with swollen underarm lymph nodes. I had a major flare up of symptoms in July that lasted 6 weeks with a new symptom of adrenaline dumps at night and squeezing of my heart. 2-4 weeks after a flare of symptoms ended, I would end up back in a flare again for another 6-9 weeks of horrible palpitations, chest pain, erratic heart rate, squeezing, twitching, frequent urination, headache, weak legs. My palpitations made me dizzy. I couldn't lie flat or my heart would pump errarically and I would feel like I was going to die so I slept sitting up. I was awoken constantly for hours as soon as I would start to fall asleep from adrenaline dumps. I couldn't squat down without getting dizzy. Just standing, my heartrate would increase to 136 bpm and cause bad chest pain. My chest, throat, and esophagus would feel inflamed and burning, but not from acid reflux. It felt like someone was ripping my chest from my sternum out. I sometimes felt choked and short of breath. In between flares, I continued to deal with constant chest pain, intermittent palpitations and squeezing, and erratic heartrate. I am now at the 2 year mark and there have been some improvements but some things have worsened. I cannot have any stress or exert myself in anyway or I have weeks of squeezing in my heart and chest. I also get a feeling of a band around my ribs that constricts my chest, heart, and breathing. Its scary. If any kind of heat touches my chest, hot air from blow dryer or outside, steam, or hot water I end up in a flare. I can't use my chest muscles at all, so no cleaning, mopping, sweeping or I end up in a flare. If my chest gets touched to much it causes symptoms.
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Which solutions were not helpful?
What would you like others to know?
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Pfizer Vaccine:29 January 2021
Injury Date:
29 January 2021 -
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