Amanda Bailey-Crosby
What was your life like before you received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
Oh my list is very long
Let me start from the beginning
1st month:
Horrible headaches
Major blood sugar issues up in the 500s
Very high BP
Pulse up in the 200s at times
Chest pains
Feeling like I couldn’t ever catch a good breathe
Electrical shocks all down my body
Pins and needles in arms and feet
Visual flurries
Blurry vision
Nearly fainting multiple times
Low blood oxygen levels dropping into the 80s
Month 2-5:
Pretty much everything listed above plus add Muscle twitching
Muscle pain and tiredness
Arthritis type pains in my hands and arms
Circulation issues
Months 6-9:
I started to feel somewhat better around this time. I was able to do 10 sessions of IV ozone and that really helped me with my symptoms. But I am 9 months out as I write this and I still have some ways to go. Although I am externally thankful I’m not where I was in the first few months. I seriously have NO idea how I survived that time
Describe the solutions that helped your symptoms
Which solutions were not helpful?
What would you like others to know?
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Pfizer Vaccine:09 August 2021
Injury Date:
12 August 2021 -
FL -