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Tagged with: Vision Issues

Vaccine Injury of Kira Johnson

I was injured on my right foot on 06/15/2021, kicking a soccer ball inadvertently kicking the concrete. Immediately knew this was not a “normal” pain feeling. My symptoms consisted of severe pain, ...

Vaccine Injury of Lorray Maurigi

Vaccine March 2021 and Sept 2021. Noticed fatigue, joint aches, had menstrual cycle 3 times after vaccine but had a Uterine oblation 10 years prior, severe tinnitus, confusion, foggy brain, herpes ...

Vaccine Injury of Chris Pigott

12/30/2021 received the Pfizer mNRA booster 01/10/2022 Started running low grade fever 01/17/2022 Started running high fever & tested neg for flu/Covid and continued to feel like I had the flu ...

Vaccine Injury of Lauralee

was feeling off prior to the Fall of 2019 school closings. I had this feeling of general Malease and my PCP was for some reason trying to get me to start a new kind of inhaler for my athletic and...

Vaccine Injury of Davin Carbon


Vaccine Injury of Kimberly R Wilkinson

Two days after the booster, my hair began to fall out and was completely out within a month. I wore wigs for the entire summer. The residual cough from my Covid infection got worse, and is still pe...

Vaccine Injury of Alison Jane Reid

My vaccine injury happened on the 25th May 2021. Two hours after the AZ Vaccine.

Vaccine Injury of Nikia Nichol Callins


Vaccine Injury of Darcy Rogers

I took the vaccine so I could attend my Son's military graduation in August 2021. In September 2023 I starting having severe hearing sensitivity as well as ringing in my ears. As I started the proc...

Vaccine Injury of Dana Randall

Two weeks after the second shot I began to experience intense ear pain and electrical shocks through my head. Within 72 hours of pain onset, I had severe facial paralysis on one side, I was misdiag...

Vaccine Injury of Jodi Morrison

Vaccine Injury of Connie

Moderna vaccines were administered Dec 2020, Jan 2021. booster Nov 2021 I experienced some odd sx off and on since the vaccines but nothing that kept me from work or enjoying life immediately follo...

Vaccine Injury of Vicki Cote

April 8, 2021 First Moderna vaccine Left arm. Developed severe arm and neck pain which lasted about a week but then dissipated. May 28, 2021 # 2 Moderna vaccine left arm. symptoms similar but less...

Vaccine Injury of Julie Shellebarger

Vaccine Injury of Victor Medina

I used to be a pretty healthy individual. I rarely got sick with a cold or any normal sickness that affects most people. Meaning that my immune system was usually pretty strong. Some people affecte...

Vaccine Injury of Tobyn Theiss

7/21 Forced to get J&J to get a knee replacement 11/21 exposed and contracted it 3 times between Nov 21 and Jan 22 11/21 began to notice a rash on the back of my neck and kept through 8/22 when...

Vaccine Injury of Giovanna Specchiali

2020-2024 One week after receiving the COVID vaccine, I developed excruciating nerve pain, weakness, and paralysis in my right arm and left leg. I was diagnosed with Brachial Plexus Neuritis, CIDP ...

Vaccine Injury of Morgan

I was starting a new job and was required to get the vaccine. I truly didn't want to and previously had a religious exemption at my other job. But because of the need for money to support our famil...

Vaccine Injury of Donald B Tardif

Recieved 2 COVID-19 Vaccines at the end of 2021. Started having brain fog and fatigue about March 2022. Had syncopal episode in June 2022. I was out of work for 4 months due to postural dizziness, ...

Vaccine Injury of Theresa Lanzon

Covid March 2020 1st Pfizer vaccine January 2021 2nd Pfizer vaccine February 2021 March 2021 GI issues March to December weird symptoms that the drs couldn’t figure out. Abnormal weight loss, earl...