Tagged with: Heart Issues
Vaccine Injury of Tara Leger
8/31/21 Pfizer shot 8/31/21- 15 min post shot ambulance to ER symptoms: burning sensation, metallic taste and smell feeling loss of sensation in whole body came over like a crashing wave tingling a...
Vaccine Injury of McKenzie Marshall
12/29/21 - Moderna Booster Tachycardia and arrhythmias started 2/14/22 tested positive for covid 2/23/22 ER for chest pain, SVT for greater than 6 hours, arrhythmias No answers, stopped, sent home ...
Vaccine Injury of Jeffrey Weisel
I contracted covid19 in Dec 2020 while doing hospice care at Summerhill Nursing Home in Peterborough, NH. My experience of it was as a mild flu, lasting just a few days, with only my se...
Vaccine Injury of Courtney Willingham
I was vaccinated March & April of 2021. Immediately after vaccination I start experiencing what I thought to be indigestion but it was actually chest pain from inflammation accumulating on my h...
Vaccine Injury of Kenneth Elliott
I got the J&J vaccine in mid October 2021 right before I left for Bootcamp for the Navy. I was doing great and everything was fine and one day during a run with my friend I had a cardiac arrest...
Vaccine Injury of Lorene
About a week after the second vaccine, I noticed a strange, tingling sensation in my right hand. I had a weak feeling in my legs. I was having problems with balancing. I could not stand without swa...
Vaccine Injury of Dana Styron
Mandated vaccine at FMOLHS by deadline of 11/30/21. On 12/1/2021, after my second vaccine on 11/30/2021, my mother found me in bed with altered mental status, cognitive dysfunction, memory loss. Te...
Vaccine Injury of Thomas Wurst
I’m in litigation with my employer so not sure what I should tell other than it took a DVT hospitalization in Fall of 2021 when doctors said not Covid Positive but all the symptoms to get on Xeralt...
Vaccine Injury of Hurshi Rajaram
Within 10-15 minutes after getting the vaccine I had trouble breathing and began wheezing. My mind also started to go and become foggy along with not being able to speak outside of sounding like I ...
Vaccine Injury of David Smith
Vaccine Injury of Evan George
The morning after I received the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine I notice a hives rash all over my thighs and groin region. - After taking a 7 hour flight from CA to CT in July 2021 I begin to e...
Vaccine Injury of Bill McGoldrick
Vaccine on 9/27, London the week after, came home, I am a musician went to a gig, passed out, woke up drove to the ER, initial diagnosis was a heart attack. After cath, arteries were perfect then d...
Vaccine Injury of Jeffrey Mixon
I took the pfizer covid shot in September of 2021 followed by a booster a month later. About 5 or 6 days after the booster I started having problems with my heart and blood pressure control. I woun...