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Tagged with: Head Pain

Vaccine Injury of Lorray Maurigi

Vaccine March 2021 and Sept 2021. Noticed fatigue, joint aches, had menstrual cycle 3 times after vaccine but had a Uterine oblation 10 years prior, severe tinnitus, confusion, foggy brain, herpes ...

Vaccine Injury of Ellen Graef

I contracted COVID-19 in late 2021 and again in early 2022. And then around mid 2022 I got the vaccine so that I could participate in my bachelorette weekend because the event that we were going to...

Vaccine Injury of Sharlene Sybrandt

I had my booster vaccine 5/9/22. The week after I was getting dizzy spells, it was hard to walk straight and my feet were numb. I was having tremors and insomnia and an outrageous feeling of anxiet...

Vaccine Injury of Kimberly R Wilkinson

Two days after the booster, my hair began to fall out and was completely out within a month. I wore wigs for the entire summer. The residual cough from my Covid infection got worse, and is still pe...

Vaccine Injury of Nikia Nichol Callins


Vaccine Injury of Darcy Rogers

I took the vaccine so I could attend my Son's military graduation in August 2021. In September 2023 I starting having severe hearing sensitivity as well as ringing in my ears. As I started the proc...

Vaccine Injury of Dana Randall

Two weeks after the second shot I began to experience intense ear pain and electrical shocks through my head. Within 72 hours of pain onset, I had severe facial paralysis on one side, I was misdiag...

Vaccine Injury of Joe

Not many people know the exact date, time, and location that their health immediately changed for the worse, but I do, because I made an appointment for it. On May 3, 2021 at 10:00am Central time, ...

Vaccine Injury of Jodi Morrison

Vaccine Injury of Connie

Moderna vaccines were administered Dec 2020, Jan 2021. booster Nov 2021 I experienced some odd sx off and on since the vaccines but nothing that kept me from work or enjoying life immediately follo...

Vaccine Injury of Julie Shellebarger

Vaccine Injury of Grace Poole

I was slowly deteriorating after the first vaccine but just thought it was my busy lifestyle. After the third vaccine, I got flu like symptoms which included headaches, tiredness, weakness, sorenes...

Vaccine Injury of Morgan

I was starting a new job and was required to get the vaccine. I truly didn't want to and previously had a religious exemption at my other job. But because of the need for money to support our famil...

Vaccine Injury of Karyna Lemus

After the vaccine, my quality of life was destroyed and as the weeks go by with no improvement in sight, I lose hope that I'll ever get my life back. I suffer from extreme fatigue, panic attacks, f...

Vaccine Injury of Donald B Tardif

Recieved 2 COVID-19 Vaccines at the end of 2021. Started having brain fog and fatigue about March 2022. Had syncopal episode in June 2022. I was out of work for 4 months due to postural dizziness, ...

Vaccine Injury of Arvo Zylo

The initial injection caused my lymph nodes to swell up for three weeks. I was told this was normal. The second injection caused me to be unable to exercise without chest pains. After the third inj...

Vaccine Injury of HealthCareZero - RM

See letter below.

Vaccine Injury of Melinda Bedoya

Within the year of receiving the vaccine my health steadily declined. I have GI issues and have had an extensive work up with findings but no cause for them. The pain flare ups started to get worse...

Vaccine Injury of Melissa Sikes

When the shot came out, we were told that if we wanted to go back to work that we were all required by the government and the state to take the shot. Those that did not receive the covid shot were ...

Vaccine Injury of Brittany Boudreau

I was threatened and coerced with threats of losing my job due to a vaccine mandate by the City I am employed by. Firefighters and nurses had til October of 2021 and then they were being fired if t...