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Tagged with: Dermatologic

Vaccine Injury of Katie Loth

Second shot was 2/19/21, I found a mass on my tongue in 9/21. I was diagnosed with a rare cancer stage 4 by November 2021. Mantel cell lymphoma. After determining growth rate, they said it started ...

Vaccine Injury of Cynthia Jones

23 September 2021 - Pfizer - Adverse reaction: drooping left side of face until morning, and extreme stabbing pain in left side of head, back. Unable to get out of bed for 3 days. 14 October 2021:...

Vaccine Injury of Dorothy Nith

Fall 2021, bad taste in mouth, bladder and pelvic pain, shortness of breath, chest pain, sweating, confusion, severe fatigue, body pain As time passed blurred vision, blue feet, legs, numb fingers,...

Vaccine Injury of Devon Brent

About a week post vaccination, I started to get symptoms I now know are from HyperPOTS as well as Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Vaccine Injury of Daniel Cheng

At the time, I was working as an EMT with a 911 provider. After receiving the second dose of Moderna, I developed plaques on my knuckles and elbows. They quickly spread to my head, knees and back. ...

Vaccine Injury of Gisele De Souza Almeida Da Veiga

A minha primeira vacina foi em setembro de 2021, da PFIZER, a segunda também da PFIZER em novembro de 2021, nesse período já comecei a sentir mal, com dores pelo corpo todo, Náuseas, dores fortes d...

Vaccine Injury of Jon

In April 2021 my wife was 4 months pregnant and we were living quite isolated outside of the city. With very little or no reliable research to be found on the potential side effects the vaccine dur...

Vaccine Injury of Kira Johnson

I was injured on my right foot on 06/15/2021, kicking a soccer ball inadvertently kicking the concrete. Immediately knew this was not a “normal” pain feeling. My symptoms consisted of severe pain, ...

Vaccine Injury of Janet Friedman

Received the Moderna covid vaccine at WInn Dixie store pharmacy in late July, I think on the 21st. After the injection, I finished shopping and drove home. After putting away the groceries my left ...

Vaccine Injury of Chris Pigott

12/30/2021 received the Pfizer mNRA booster 01/10/2022 Started running low grade fever 01/17/2022 Started running high fever & tested neg for flu/Covid and continued to feel like I had the flu ...

Vaccine Injury of Lauralee

was feeling off prior to the Fall of 2019 school closings. I had this feeling of general Malease and my PCP was for some reason trying to get me to start a new kind of inhaler for my athletic and...

Vaccine Injury of Kimberly R Wilkinson

Two days after the booster, my hair began to fall out and was completely out within a month. I wore wigs for the entire summer. The residual cough from my Covid infection got worse, and is still pe...

Vaccine Injury of Nikia Nichol Callins


Vaccine Injury of Tobyn Theiss

7/21 Forced to get J&J to get a knee replacement 11/21 exposed and contracted it 3 times between Nov 21 and Jan 22 11/21 began to notice a rash on the back of my neck and kept through 8/22 when...

Vaccine Injury of Morgan

I was starting a new job and was required to get the vaccine. I truly didn't want to and previously had a religious exemption at my other job. But because of the need for money to support our famil...

Vaccine Fatality of Theodore Joseph Miller III

was hospitalized after the first Pfizer shot, they could find nothing wrong with him. He looked like he was having a heart attack. Shaking, sweating, vacillating between being freezing cold and bur...

Vaccine Injury of Coby Vige