Tagged with: POTS
S Chitte
Stacy Jacques
Tamara Smart
Will Wingert
Daniel Meinhard
Within a month of shot #2 I began feeling pain in my chest, abdomen & back. I would get rapid heart rates from just changing from squatting to standing. I began sweating profusely over minimal task...
Daniel Shannon
I received the fist Pfizer booster on October 8th 2021. On the next day I experienced an intense burning sensation across my chest and back. That pain progressed incrementally, until my entire uppe...
Danielle Dersch
Immediately after there was a lump on my neck, extreme brain confusion, tiredness, exhaustion, poor memory and recollection of time periods, dates, familiar faces, shut off, apathetic, POTs like sy...
Natasha Moore
On April 30th 2021 I received 2nd dose of Pfizer, May 1st 2021,24hrs after 2nd jab ,I woke up and had a sip of tea,I started to feel very very nauseated. I tried getting to my bed but was knocked u...