I have taken the first doze of Pfizer six days ago and have not been myself since. Immediately after the shot I felt my heart racing and a feeling of fainting. I was attended by two...
Against my better judgment I got the Pfizer shot. It was with much hesitation and fear in all honesty. I received my 2nd dose on the 7th of July and on the 8th of July I thought for...
Describe your symptoms and the timeline of your reaction
Allergies, Internal vibrations, Sensory changes, Light, smell, sound, chemical, electrical sensitivities, Chronic pain (fibromyalgia) Exe...
Describe your symptoms and the timeline of your reaction
4 days after the jab I started feeling a pressure behind my eyes and I started feeling dizzy. I few days later I got a severe headache , li...
Describe your symptoms and the timeline of your reaction
In July of 2021 I was diagnosed with Gastroparesis. This limits the foods I can eat and how much. I have daily pain throughout my digestive...