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Tagged with: Inflammation

Vaccine Injury of Arvo Zylo

The initial injection caused my lymph nodes to swell up for three weeks. I was told this was normal. The second injection caused me to be unable to exercise without chest pains. After the third inj...

Vaccine Injury of Grace Manning

September 1st vaccine dose 5 days later Grace complained of uncontrollable movement in her legs and sudden collapsing. She was brought to the ER where they ran tests and determined it was blood sug...

Vaccine Injury of K W

After receiving the 2nd dose, I slowly began to become constipated but not extreme. Once I received the 1st booster, I had my appendix out 3 months later. Within a year from that I developed divert...

Vaccine Injury of Melinda Bedoya

Within the year of receiving the vaccine my health steadily declined. I have GI issues and have had an extensive work up with findings but no cause for them. The pain flare ups started to get worse...

Vaccine Injury of Melissa Sikes

When the shot came out, we were told that if we wanted to go back to work that we were all required by the government and the state to take the shot. Those that did not receive the covid shot were ...

Vaccine Injury of Brittany Boudreau

I was threatened and coerced with threats of losing my job due to a vaccine mandate by the City I am employed by. Firefighters and nurses had til October of 2021 and then they were being fired if t...

Vaccine Injury of T Bell

Developed chronic fatigue and severe mold allergies with in 2 weeks of receiving the second shot. Sinus and large phlegm production. Allergic to 3 out of 4 houses on the east coast. Allergic to a f...