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Tagged with: Muscle or Joint Pain

Eric Johnson-WA

During this time, got second jab. Pain and weakness in both arms. Pain in upper arm when side sleeping lasting 10-15 minutes. Remain very weak lifting with either arm. Physical recovery and mainte...

Eric Johnson

First reaction was paresthesia in my lower legs and feet for a few days in early August of ‘21… about 3 months after the vaccine. I didn’t think much of it as it resolved on its own. In early Octob...

Olujimi O Aganga-Williams

I developed irregular heartbeat about a month or so after the third vaccination but tried to ignore it. One night I felt like I was having a heart attack and immediately saw a cardiologist. All res...

Bernice Parquette

I received the J&J vaccine April 6,2021 and on 4/21/21 developed BP elevations, chest tightness and severe pain and swelling in my right leg as well as the left. I was sent to the ER and receiv...

Vaccine Injury of Tara Leger

8/31/21 Pfizer shot 8/31/21- 15 min post shot ambulance to ER symptoms: burning sensation, metallic taste and smell feeling loss of sensation in whole body came over like a crashing wave tingling a...

Branden Nail

Vaccine Date: 06 April 2021
June 4th, 2021, I awoke to a crick in my right trap, right side of my neck. Within a couple hours I couldn’t stand due to pain. Electric shocks going down my right side. Confusion to the point wher...

Vaccine Injury of Christopher D. Cherry

My symptoms began immediately after the last booster I received in January 2023.

Vaccine Injury of Kristen Canapary

Started in-between vax dates...tinitus and lungs have progressively gotten worse since then

Vaccine Injury of McKenzie Marshall

12/29/21 - Moderna Booster Tachycardia and arrhythmias started 2/14/22 tested positive for covid 2/23/22 ER for chest pain, SVT for greater than 6 hours, arrhythmias No answers, stopped, sent home ...

Vaccine Injury of Leslie

After first two vaccines: About 45-60 days later, started developing neurological symptoms mimicking MS. Collapsing, loss of feeling and sensation in legs, arms, hands, feet. Loss of temperature se...

Vaccine Injury of Stephanie Godwin

Sept 2021- after first Pfizer vaccine three days later I start A horrible menstrual cycle after it having one since 2017! Still have one all out of whack . Then horrible muscle and joint pain , hea...

Vaccine Injury of D.A.H

Vaccine Injury of Jacob Goodwin

Not long after my vaccine shot blurry vision ringing ears I was very weak was off work for around 9 months extreme pain which I'm still experiencing veins in feet and hand bulging blurry vision han...

Vaccine Injury of Jeffrey Weisel

I contracted covid19 in Dec 2020 while doing hospice care at Summerhill Nursing Home in Peterborough, NH.   My experience of it was as a mild flu, lasting just a few days, with only my se...

Vaccine Injury of Jamie

In spring of 2021. I did what I thought was a safe and health decision for our family. I have elder parents and an infant at the time, I wanted to make the “right decision.” As I was distributed th...

Vaccine Injury of Danielle Landers

Starting point for reference- LAD Heart attack Nov 2018. 1 stent. Have done all follow-up, medical protocols, and made healthy life adjustments and have been given thumbs up on all of my recovery v...

Vaccine Injury of Noelle

I got Covid prior to vaccines in Sept 2020. I also got a second time Dec 2022. I had a total of 4 vaccines; 12/2020, 1/2021, 10/2021, 10/2022. Each time I would have extreme fatigue, headaches and ...

Vaccine Injury of Sera

In short; I’ve had a total of 4 COVID and two influenza vaccinations between 03-2021 and 10-2022 + one PCR confirmed COVID infection 01-2022. Final vaccination done 10-2022 was a double vaccinatio...

Vaccine Injury of Tricia Halvorsen

Rashes immediately developed on arms post injection sites, nothing helped. Dermatologist x5 dx neurodermatitis (all in my head d/t stress). Severe GI prbs started 2/2022. EGD/colonoscopy dx severe ...

Vaccine Injury of Donald Wenzel

11/3/21 1st Pfizer vaccine, less than 10 days migrate 24/7 that had never gone away. Memory loss, currently on 2 Alzheimer's medications for memory. Hospitalized March 2022,because I didn't know wh...