Victor C. S.
Date of Death:May 06, 2021
Age at Death:34
Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.
* April 20, 2021--First Pfizer shot taken
* April 26, 2021--Complained of an ongoing headache
* May 5, 2021-- Evening-- Experienced gastro issues
* May 6, 2021--At approximately 1:30 am called ambulance. Was experiencing chest pain, jaw numbness, and racing heartbeat (190bpm)
--At approximately 2:00 am collapsed as medics were taking vitals. Resuscitation efforts began, was taken to ER, passed soon after arrival.
On April 20, 2021, our beloved 34-year-old son, Victor, was given the first shot of the Pfizer covid 19 vaccine. Six days later, he complained of a severe headache which lasted for days. On the night of May 5th, he experienced gastro issues and at approximately 1:30AM of May 6th awoke his girlfriend to tell her he was experiencing chest pain, and jaw numbness, that he had already called an ambulance and was going to the hospital to be checked out. The paramedics sat him on a bench outside his building and were checking his vitals when his girlfriend arrived. He introduced her, passed out and could not be revived. They rushed him to the hospital along the way doing what they could to resuscitate him. Their efforts were unfortunately futile. The ER doctor asked if he had had the covid vaccine and when told he had had the first Pfizer shot speculated he likely passed from a massive vaccine-induced pulmonary embolism (blood clot). The autopsy later showed a thoracic aortic dissection (rupture of the aortic valve above the heart causing him to bleed internally). When his girlfriend later checked his Apple watch it had registered 190 bpm.
We were in shock. With longevity on both sides, no known family member had passed suddenly and especially at such a young age. Victor was very pro-active about his health. He watched what he ate and exercised regularly.
Victor was the last in the family to receive the vaccine. While there was already an evolving body of literature alerting to possible adverse reactions, which made us suspicious about the vaccine’s safety and efficacy, the constant narrative from the government, Pfizer and many medical professionals that it was safe and effective, would keep us from getting and transmitting covid, were powerful motivators for getting the shots. Plus, none of us experienced any immediate adverse reaction. Follow the science we were repeatedly told. So whatever concerns he had, they were clearly allayed by our experiences, the constant drumbeat that the vaccine was safe and effective and the desire to not get the virus and transmit it to others.
The timing of his passing, on the 16th day after the shot – when the vaccine-induced antibodies had just peaked in his body was a red flag. The ER doctor’s question was another. Further research on adverse reactions to the vaccine and aortic dissections strengthened our suspicion of the vaccine’s role. But we did not want to exclude other possibilities without reason. The autopsy report identified no cause for the dissection. His medical records were reviewed by multiple doctors. Toxicology and genetic tests were done. All were negative. An analysis of his serum identified an exceedingly high number of inflammatory markers and that he indeed experienced a hyper-inflammatory response. Victor’s vaccine batch is considered a “hot batch” 35 deaths and 2317 adverse reactions reported on VAERS as of 10/28/22. (Adverse events are woefully underreported and estimates are that only slightly more than 1% are reported to Vaers.) More and more postings of aortic and arterial dissections appeared and Dr. Peter McCullough’s article “Aortic Dissection after Covid 19 vaccination” and other articles show this to be a real and distinct possible reaction.
While we continue to look for other explanations, only one suspect, the vaccine remains as either the catalyst or the outright cause of Victor’s passing. Pfizer’s clinical trial results were clear. Their vaccine could trigger numerous adverse reactions, many serious and many leading to death. In spite of this, the FDA suspended the criteria used to judge and approve previous vaccines in its analysis of Pfizer’s clinical trial results and granted the company emergency use authorization. Subsequent serious adverse reactions should have been red flags screaming that such authorization was a monumental error. Disregarding these reactions by continuing promotion of the safety and efficacy and mandating the vaccine further perpetuated the horrible consequences of these decisions. With the government and vaccine manufacturers muddying the vaccine data to make it appear safe, Victor decided to follow the science, completely unaware of the overwhelming body of data being suppressed showing the vaccine was neither safe nor effective. That decision cost him his life. We, his loved ones, will live the rest of our shattered lives missing and crying for him, knowing that those we empowered and trusted with our safety betrayed him and that his passing could -- and indeed should have been prevented.
What would you like others to know?
My life has been shattered. The fear of losing a child is a nightmare every parent lives with. But to live with the pain of such a loss is beyond all description. The human mind is simply incapable of processing such a tragedy. It is a horrific nightmare a parent never awakens from. Losing a child such as Victor, so caring, hardworking, capable and loving is and will always be the defining moment of my life. I will never be the same. My family will never be the same. Grief and the pain it brings becomes the sole essence of one’s existence. I wake up every morning crying and shedding tears, yearning for my son. I cry out to the wind and ask WHY? But now I know WHY? The leaders of our pharmaceutical companies and government conspired against humanity in the pursuit of their self interest and biases. Their hubris in believing we, our children, parents, spouses and friends were “expendable” in the name of a “greater good” is reminiscent of past generations too willing to ignore the sacredness of life. Every life is precious and those that knew the vaccine was neither safe nor effective unleashed it on an unsuspecting world with boldface lies. We now know Pfizer, the FDA and the CDC knew there were serious risks and that possible injuries and death would ensue, but they suppressed the information they had, the risks they knew of, and existing therapeutics they knew would be effective keeping us from making an educated and informed decision so they could coerce us into taking the vaccine. They knew all too well they offered us no greater good as the vaccines were not proven safe nor able to stop transmission. For the fortunate, there were or will be no consequences. But for others, there were or will be a variety of reactions, some of which may be experienced for some time in their lives. Yet, for the truly unfortunate there will no longer be lives to experience. My son to them was a sacrificial lamb, collateral damage, a dot on a graph, but to me he was my world. Like a beautiful stained glass window that shatters into many pieces, never to be whole again, life as it was is forever gone. The window I now have can never be put together again, will never shine as brightly nor be as beautiful. I will never again hug or kiss my son or see him smile or hear his voice and hear his laughter. Evil and deception of this magnitude cannot go unpunished. I will speak his name, honor him and fight for justice. I will not be silenced and will forever speak my truth, in his name and in the name of all those, who like him, were betrayed.
How would you like your loved one to be remembered?
Victor was a wonderful son, grandson, brother, and loyal friend. He was competent, well read, ethical, humble, generous and caring often putting others ahead of himself. As one of his dear friends wrote: “Victor was always gracious and kind doing all the “ right things not because they were right but because he was a genuinely caring person and wanted to do them”.
Victor was the guiding light and strength of the family. He was a graduate of Boston College and received an M.B.A. from Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Business. He worked at the time of his passing as a high- level manager at Amazon. Prior to that, he resided in Chicago and was instrumental in launching two healthcare startups; one for treatment of breast cancer and the other for an orthopedic device. While not an engineer, he is a co-patentee on three patents.
Victor’s greatest love was for his family. He adored his brother and sister and helped set them on their career paths by selflessly mentoring them. He was their go-to person whenever they had problems or needed advice. He loved his parents and grandparents beyond measure, always calling his parents several times a day and checking in on his grandparents daily. He loved all manner of family gatherings and would always be sure to be present for important events with family and friends - no matter the distance. He had an uncanny ability to cultivate lasting friendships some which spanned decades ( 20-30 years in certain cases) and some which spanned the globe. As one of his friends said, no matter where they travelled to, Victor had friends there.
Victor was an avid traveler, visiting 30 countries , some multiple times, in his short life. But despite his penchant for traveling, he regularly returned home for extended periods to the safe harbor where he grew up.
Victor’s greatest joy was in helping others. Never did he boast or expect anything in return. In the days after his passing, many, including some we did not know, reached out to tell us how his life had impacted theirs. Whether he wrote letters of recommendation, helped friends or acquaintances get internships, introduced others to potential employers, researched doctors for ailments that were of concern to friends and loved ones, revised resumes or essays for family and friends, helped organize zoom calls or was just an encouraging voice, Victor helped. He set up the Victor C. Simoes Scholarship for the Future his first year of college for his high school alma mater, and funded it for 16 years, even when he had no resources, in the process helping countless high school seniors. Three of his friends are continuing it in his memory. His co-workers spoke glowingly about him as he had a strong sense of morality and always led by example.
Victor strove for the stars, doing more in his short 34 years than most do in a long lifetime. Despite set backs along the way, he never settled for less than he thought he was capable of. He attained his aspirations through hard work and perseverance. Had he lived, who knows how much more he would have achieved and how many more he would have helped. His passing is a tremendous loss not just for those who loved him but indeed for humanity at large. He passed the night he reached all that he had aspired to; having discussed wedding plans with his girlfriend that very night, the children they would have, their names, where they would live and where they would have the wedding reception. It was likely the happiest night of his life. A night when he saw all his dreams and aspirations come together in anticipation of an even happier future.
We are and will always be devastated. We will love him and miss him forever. We will hold onto Victor and all that he taught us about love and friendship until we see him again. Love is his legacy.
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Pfizer Vaccine:20 April 2021lot #: EW0162
Injury Date:
06 May 2021 -
Injury Date:
26 April 2021 -
NY -
VAERS ID:#1690161