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Vaccine Fatality of Theodore Joseph Miller III

  • Date of Death:
    February 11, 2023
  • Age at Death:

Describe the symptoms and the timeline of the reaction.

was hospitalized after the first Pfizer shot, they could find nothing wrong with him. He looked like he was having a heart attack. Shaking, sweating, vacillating between being freezing cold and burning up. Turned white as a ghost, sick to his stomach. he would also experience severe weakness in his legs, to the point that he would have to grab onto something and ease himself to the floor, and lay there till someone could come pick him up, several times it had to be the fire department getting him off the floor. They released him from the hospital, couldn't find a thing wrong. doctors and nurses would take us aside and quietly suggest that it could be the vaccines, but they stated they were going to lose their jobs if they stated it publicly. He had more of those episodes literally once a month. then he got the second shot, against my better advice, and we started that whole process all over again. He was hospitalized for the attacks as he called them. They were more episodes in my mind. Once a month almost to the day, each and every month an episode would occur. Again the hospital could find no reason for his illness. eventually October 2021 he got so ill, his body was riddled with E. coli, and his body went septic. He was put into ICU for nine days, and almost died. He was then diagnosed with two different forms of turbo cancer, bile duct cancer, which I understand, is very rare, and horrible skin cancers. from October 2021 to his death February 2023, he was hospitalized numerous numerous times. Eventually they took out his gallbladder, hoping that would help. He immediately went downhill, and never recovered. By the time he passed away, his liver had shut down, the cancer from the bile duct had migrated into the liver . They said his death certificate was liver disease. That's not entirely accurate.

What would you like others to know?

these shots are poison. I believe they are designed to make people sick. My husband was a veteran, and his shots were given at the VA facilities. My personal gut belief is they sent the worst of the worst batches to the VA, hoping to get rid of some of the veterans so they would be less money going out of the government pocket to pay for healthcare for the veterans. We looked up his batch numbers on "how bad is ", and one of the batches was assigned to high levels of adverse events and deaths. these shots need to be removed from being given completely.

How would you like your loved one to be remembered?

my husband was always someone who would do anything for everybody, give you the shirt off his back. He was always very funny and very positive. I'd like him to be remembered for the jolly guy that he was, always of service to other people.

  • I certify that I am an immediate family member of the deceased and have full rights to share my loved one's story of their vaccine death. The statements made in the above submission are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.
  • I agree to allow React 19 to share my testimonial publicly on its website, social media, or webinar platforms. I further understand that my testimonial will be posted publicly and React 19 cannot prevent third-parties from sharing it once public.
  • I agree to notify React 19 immediately should I discover inaccuracies in my testimonial in order to maintain the integrity of React 19's advocacy platform.


  • Pfizer Vaccine:
    29 December 2020
    lot #: EH9899
  • Pfizer Vaccine:
    20 January 2021
    lot #: ES1686
  • Injury Date:

    27 January 2021
  • State/Region:

  • Country:


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